Email notifications getting blocked

redlinederby Thursday, 5/2/2013
Site manager

As many of you know, the Fantasy League sends out a few notification emails every week to remind you of picks, schedules, etc. This all happens in a somewhat automated fashion and sends them to your email address on file if you have opted-in to receive them.

I've been seeing a lot of these emails bounce back to me lately from various addresses because the mail server I'm using has been marked as spam. As my web hosting is shared by what is probably hundreds of people, I have no idea if the cause of the spam label is me (Redline Derby) or someone else that is improperly using the mail server. I don't believe it's RLD as the amount of email we send out is minimal. I'm in contact with my web host to get more details.

So as it stands now some of you might not receive notifications even if you have opted in. Nothing I can really do about it right now but hopefully the web host can shed some light on the problem and let me know what I can or should do to help fix it.

I may end up just disabling the emails entirely until this is fixed as I'm worrying that if I keep sending out notifications it might make things worse and get blocked by more places. I'll update here with more details as I learn more and decide what the best course of action is. I know the email notifications are important so hopefully this can all get cleared up soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for your support.

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