My other hobby

Traction-Event Tuesday, 5/12/2015

Here’s what I’ve been up to

January 1, 2015…looked down at the scale and said…whoa. I'm over 40 and need to get in shape...

Started eating better, and eating less… treadmill 2miles each day plus walking at work for 45min every day. Once weather got better, mountain biking outside. 

Dropped 20+pounds…no longer winded after 2 flights of stairs

Entered this



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HappyCamper 5/12/15

Like you I have looked at the scale and said the same thing (over 40, over weight).  Unlike you I have not had the success you did.  That is fantastic you were able to get something done about it!  The cycle racing looks fun as hell!

Thanks for posting.  I think it would cool to see some more pics or vids of the other things we are into.

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CrzyTrkrDude 5/12/15

CONGRATES ON FEELING THE ACCOMPLISHMENT and for sharing your success!!

The other day...

ummmm.... I looked down and said... Woah.. I think theres a scale down there someplace...  

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model40fan 5/12/15

go TE go... a goal is a good thing... half way there, great... the life you prolong might be your own...

I lost 50 lbs... I ate better, walked 2 miles a day [picked up all the litter both sides] , 2 years later i pinched a neck nerve, couldn't do anything for 2 months... the doc relocated the nerves in my left elbow to the inside of my arm...

  gained it back... but now I know exactly how hard it really is to lose it... the hill seems higher the second time... if you can lose it, keep it off... re-losing blows !

  • Agreed, still miss a bunch of yummy foods I had to give up.... — Traction-Event
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72_Chevy_C10 5/13/15

This seemed to fit it this thread for some reason...


  • shoot, I thought tacos wuz like.. 3 of the 4 food groups... wait... all 4 — CrzyTrkrDude
  • grain, dairy, meat, veggies... how's that bad? lol — CrzyTrkrDude

My other hobby.  Making it.  It also, I guess goes w/o saying, is something I enjoy drinking.

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