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Need honest feedback about new web site

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model40fan 5/19/14

my humble opinion is maybe we should start by making longer titles... first the basic topic in capitol letters at the top...then below it the catchy title for the post's title...

.example ;


lowd n' low  delivery

this may help new viewers find the topics they want easier...

....just spitballin'...

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redlinederby 5/20/14
Site manager

I need to apologize if I've pissed off anyone. I know things have been chaotic here since the switch and at times that's made me sound like a jerk. To say the last few weeks have been stressful is an understatement.

I never intended any of my comments to upset anyone and none of them have been specific to any one person or group. I've been trying to fix bugs, add features and tend to daily conversation all at the same time and that's turning out to be a lot more to handle than I anticipated.

If I've been short with anyone, I apologize...I think this is has all just built up and the reaction to the new site was somewhat unexpected. If you don't like the new site, that's fine - I'm not going to get upset over your opinion - but what caught me off guard was that the feedback didn't come sooner. The new web site was up for preview several weeks before the official launch and the comments I received were nothing like what I heard after launch, thus I figured everyone was happy (or at least okay) with the changes. No news is good news.

I'm not here to upset or anger anyone...and I don't want the web site to be frustrating either. I try to make adjustments to feedback as swiftly as possible, and had the criticisms come sooner I could have adjusted things and worked out problems ahead of the official launch. Now we're all caught up in the middle of it and I'm probably taking things a bit to personally, which I try not to do.

But all that said, things are what they are. The site will keep running and I hope you continue to participate and contribute. I appreciate everything each of you contributes as it has helped make Redline Derby what it is today. This has always been a site that changes and evolves, and this is just the next step along the way (even if it's a rough one). As problems are fixed and improvements made, things will find their groove. Until then, I'll adjust to be less of an ass. Please accept my apologies.

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KandORacing 5/20/14

Brian, you shouldn't have to apologize to anyone. I guess it's partly my fault for not looking over the beta test site more thoroughly and leaving more accurate feedback.

  • yeh, i thought it was a done deal, didn't know ot was ever up for debate... — model40fan
  • Smitty, I thought so also. Although I certainly wouldn't complain if the site was flipped back to the old software! — KandORacing

Can't agree more with not apologizing.... It your site and you are modernizing it. I'm not sure who is pissed? But bottom line it your site and you run it. The rest of us will adapt. Please don't take suggestions or us back seat critcs as personal attacks. I have supported this site from when I joined and will continue to do so. 

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