What'd ya get for Christmas???

JDC442 Friday, 12/25/2015

Look what I, I mean Calvin got for Christmas.

Color Changer set!!!


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fordman 12/25/15

rascal musta been real good this year ! ... go cal go...

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MoHasAFastCar 12/26/15

You can run it open (as you see) or slotted.  Open has more accidents and less finishers, but they are more interesting problems (going off the side).  Slotted they just get hung up or jammed sometimes.  Not the best for competitive racing, but compact so you can leave it up all the time and there's a car elevator Simon quite likes.  Comes with two generic cars, not fast.  Also, Simons head isn't really as big as it looks.

Next time I host I'll run them on this for a bonus point.

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fordman 12/26/15

if SIMON SAYS .... you can...

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