Grampian Mountains Spring Rally Tournament (Spaces Available)

Friday, April 18th, 2025
Hosted by XR Diecast Racing
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Grampian Mountains Spring Rally Tournament

Rules & restrictions

  • Modified entries only
  • 70g maximum weight
  • 3.25in. long x 2in. tall x 1.25in. wide
  • One car per team entering 
  • Retail axles and wheels only. FTE/NPA axles allowed.
  • Dry lube only
  • Vehicle must have a rally racing style livery & paint work, with a number (I will issue these unless you comment with an available number that you would prefer), team graphics and any brands of your choice. Nothing political or offensive 
  • Vehicle must be one of the following models (any variant where no year or specific iteration is mentioned): Audi Quattro , BMW M3, BMW Series 73, Datsun Bluebird Wagon (510), Ford Fiesta, Ford Focus , Ford Escort, Ford Sierra Cosworth, Honda Civic, Lancia Delta, Mini Cooper, Nissan Skyline GT-R (R32, R33, R34, R35), VW Golf, VW Scirocco, Porsche Rallye, Porsche 928s Safari, Subaru WRX STI, Subaru Imprezza
  • No painted windows 
  • Note that the models mentioned above have not necessarily been tested on the track before. If you are new to the channel, check out some of the tournaments we have run on this track to help you 

Dates & deadlines

All entries must be received by the host before Friday, 4/11/2025. The first race will commence within two weeks, with each video thereafter being released every one - two weeks. There will be two groups racing in each video until we get to the final. 

How to enter

Contact the tournament host to get the shipping address for entry. I am based in the UK. Keep in mind international shipping costs before agreeing to enter. 

You must enclose £10/$10 per entry to take part, which goes towards the prizes. 

Please delcare the value of your package is $15 if requested on the customs form when posting from the US to UK. $10 value for the entry fee enclosed and $5 value for the car. Anything higher than this could cause issues with import taxes. 

The winner will get the four cars in the final sent with the prizes. No other cars will be returned, as I am based in the UK and most entering are from the US. 

Cars being kept may be used in other race videos (although not formal tournaments) - please note on the redline slip if you are not OK with this. 

Include a Race Entry ID slip with your entry .


Spool Heads track (3D printed). Two lane section for about half of the track (standard 1:64 width) with a chicane before going into grooved 99mm wide open track. Multiple 180 and 90 turns.
There is a slight jump (see my recent Grampian Mountain videos).

This is not one of our obstacle tournaments, just pure rally racing!

Race format and scoring

Cars will race in groups of four (four laps for each race, with cars alternating start positions) with the two cars with the most points proceeding to the next round until we reach the final, where the car with the most points will win.

Points are not cumulative. They reset for each round.

1 point for crossing each checkpoint (4 including the finish line)
4 bonus points for first place
2 bonus points for second place
1 bonus point for third place

You must pass through all the checkpoints in order.

In the event of a tie in any stage of the tournament (including the final), the cars involved will race against each other in a tie breaker race (with each car having a turn in each starting position). If there is a tie in this race, it will be settled by who had the fatest lap time. 

Bracket seeding will be random.


Cars are given a grace of 1g over the stated weight limit to account for variance in scales.

If a car fails to meet any of the restrictions listed above, the car will not race.

Cars that fail to run or fit on the track, or that happen to break during racing, will forfeit their matches. Cars that arrive broken will attempt to be minimally repaired before the racing begins. Cars that break during racing will not be repaired or replaced.


£10/$10 entry fee (either is fine) towards the prize. The winner gets the following shipped to them:

- A customised trophy
- The four cars in the final (including their own)
- A new Lancia Delta Martini Racing Mini GT 1:64 model car

Confirmed Entries & Racer Numbers (8 of 32 Places Left) 

  • 0 Travelers Racing League
  • 02 Schottys Diecast
  • 05 Diecast Show Customs
  • 06 Raptor Racing 
  • 08 Milestone Racing 
  • 13 Mr Darq
  • 22 Puff's Racing
  • 30 Boggs Family Racing
  • 33 Oregon Outcast Diecast
  • 37 Crazy Canuck 
  • 39 Rabid Badger Racing
  • 42 Sloppy Bear
  • 44 Essex Boys Racing
  • 55 Numbskull
  • 59 Marc Racel
  • 64 Spirit of 64
  • 67 E67DRT
  • 68 New Jersey Drive Racing 
  • 69 R-Lo Racing
  • 86 Variat Skunk Works
  • 87 RamRaid 
  • 99 The Belcast Family
  • 409 - 409 Diecast
  • 512 Lone Star

Still spaces available!


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RamRaid 1/30/25

Id like to send one for this please 

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RaginRicky 1/30/25

Count me in please! Would love to send one your way

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MarcRacel 1/30/25

Sounds good, can I have #59?

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RLoRacing 1/30/25

I've been meaning to race at your track... #69

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PuffsRacing 1/30/25

I want in # 22

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Crazy_Canuck 1/30/25

Let's go! I'm down...#53

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MrDarq 1/30/25

Mr. Darq please. #13

will cars be returned?

  • You're in. The final four cars are part of the prize for the winner but otherwise they are not being returned — XR_Diecast_Racing
  • Perfect — MrDarq

I'll get in#08

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sloppybear 1/30/25

I'll send one. Can I get 42?

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E67DRT 1/30/25

I want a spot please #67

We would love a spot in the line-up!

#39, please!

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Spirit_Of_64 1/30/25

We already have a car in mind for this...#64 please!

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