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Grampian Mountains Spring Rally Tournament (Spaces Available)

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UPDATE - RE customs declaration, please enter the value as $15 USD if you are posting from the US to UK. 10 covers the value of the cash entry fee, 5 covers the value of the car. Please do not put anything higher than $15 as it may cause issues with import taxes. It's actually OK up to 39, but $15 represents the actual value. Your courier or post office will ask you for the value of the items when you post. 

One for us please. 


The Belcast Family would like to participate in this rally. #99 Thank you.

Lone Star #512 

Sounds fun!

I would be in if you have a spot left. 
# 2

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dsc164 1/31/25

in with #5

Yes please. #86 


Can I reserve a spot?

I'm in please 

Can New Jersey Drive Racing enter wiht 2:

Entry 1 - #68

Entry 2 = 11

Let me know, thanks!!!

  • Sure, it is just one entry per team for this one so I will sign you up with #68. — XR_Diecast_Racing

I'd like in with #30 please

Boggs Family Racing

View member profile
Numbskull 2/6/25

Count me in please.  #55

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