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Grampian Mountains Spring Rally Tournament (Spaces Available)
One for us please.
The Belcast Family would like to participate in this rally. #99 Thank you.
Lone Star #512
Sounds fun!
I would be in if you have a spot left.
# 2
in with #5
Yes please. #86
Can I reserve a spot?
I'm in please
Can New Jersey Drive Racing enter wiht 2:
Entry 1 - #68
Entry 2 = 11
Let me know, thanks!!!
- Sure, it is just one entry per team for this one so I will sign you up with #68. — XR_Diecast_Racing
I'd like in with #30 please
Boggs Family Racing
Count me in please. #55
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UPDATE - RE customs declaration, please enter the value as $15 USD if you are posting from the US to UK. 10 covers the value of the cash entry fee, 5 covers the value of the car. Please do not put anything higher than $15 as it may cause issues with import taxes. It's actually OK up to 39, but $15 represents the actual value. Your courier or post office will ask you for the value of the items when you post.