Crimped axles?

HighTail_Racing Thursday, 4/18/2024

Hi everyone, brand new here. I'm starting to mod my cars and was wondering if crimped end steel pins for axles is a viable race solution. Will they last? I just figured it was one way to get Nickle plated axles. I've made one and it seems to run pretty good. Thanks. 


Hello and Welcome to the Rabbit Hole! Not experienced with the fiddling with axels pre say But their are threads on the topic. Doing modding you will find a certian knack in doing things, Watching a post for axels, sanding or even weights gets you the general idea and + when you really dig in. Some great Gems for modding. Take the time and reaserch as I just dived in. Makes for a better experience all though I have seen many of my own cars do poorly, Trial and error are the order of the day. One key is to Start with a Fast car, the exception is installing modded Axels. Dollar General has Orange track 4' for $1.25, good for testing on a Drag strip.

Modding teniques are as different as the Indiviguals are, I am doing my first hosting and seeing the entries come in I see first hand the Indiviguality of each Teams car. Truly everyone's is a work of Art and Passion in the Hobby. I am responsable for their Babies! Hope this helps? Never give up, and Never Surrender!

  • Wise words my friend! But so true! I made a few cars with crimped axels. Try and error ;) you need a lot of work on the crimped side to make them smooth. It can work. But it‘s a lot of work! I also think that it‘s like written before. Thake a good pair of axles and work on them. — Schottys_diecast
  • Trial and error is right! My first two attempts ended with glued wheels lol. — HighTail_Racing
  • I am crimping tubes, and also running split tubes crimped — dr_dodge
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