Happy Birthday and keep at it
Happy 18th. Many young people think they are immortal and dabble in risky behaviors. Middle aged people tend to get bogged down with families and the pursuit of material wealth. Old people contemplate what could have been if they had dedicated themselves to ____________. In the end all you have are memories of the good times with family and friends. So keep adding people and activities that improve your life while avoiding debt, drugs, trolls and fools.
Happy late birthday Kingjester! I really like knowing that I have a contemporary who enjoys the same thing as I do.
Congrats and Happy Birthday! You've survived the most worthless four years of your young life, now go and do great things!
Happy Birthday young man, the best advice I can give you is buy a motorcycle.
Happy Birthday and Congratulations! Make a plan and focus on your goals, but never stop being a kid.
Now it will be much much easier for you to start making fast 1:1 scale cars!