Gravitywerx Mail-in Finale Primer

Can't believe I will get this whole 10-week thing in without frostbite. Global warming Rocks!
Let me explain the Gravitywerx points distribution: 1 point for showing up, 1 point for every car you beat, and 1 bonus point for winning. Couldn't be much simpler. Works out to be that the last place car gets 1 point for showing up. The winning car in a 10-car race gets 1 point for showing up, 9 points for the 9 cars that it beat, plus 1 point for winning =11 points. Just looking at the points diff between cars you can see how many positions need to be made up as each point equals a position. Don't know why points distributions run into the thousands in other types of racing.
The Vari2 car holds a 1-point lead over RDL3. When there is a 1-point advantage the car with the advantage has to beat the lower car to keep it. I don't see the Vari2 car, starting 10th, passing the RDL3 car, starting in front of it. The RDL3 car has yet to crash in this series. The same cannot be said of the Vari2 car. 3 points behind Vari2 sits the Seat2 car. If Seat2 beats Vari2 by 3 spots, it will result in a tie which goes to Seat2 (same amount of A races, same amount of B, but better finish in last race). The worst spot that the Vari2 car can finish in to guarantee victory is 1st! 7 cars have a mathematical shot at the championship. But only one of the top 3 are likely contenders. The lone dedicated fan can't wait!