Hot Wheels USB drive

[This is some moved threads to keep things a little more on-topic for this specific project]
Originally posted by David:
Awesome 'projects' slideshow Brian! My favorite is the Talladega Flashdrive
How'd you make that? I've got to have one!
Originally posted by David:
It looks like the flash drive would be in the way of the rear post. Did you just remove the post and use the flash drive to connect the chassis and body?
I did have to remove the rear post. I also had to kinda gut the backseat/trunk area to make room for the drive. I just hot glued the circuit board to the chassis. The circuit board is almost 2" long, so it butts up right against the back of the drivers seat.
The front post is still there and I just Kwiked that through the chassis hole like I normally would. But to keep the whole thing from flexing apart, I took little lines of Kwik and applied it where the body means the chassis on the bottom of the car. I admit it's a little sloppy but it works. This was my first USB drive so it is kind of knowing that it works, the next one I make will be much cleaner.
One trick is finding a car that has a big trunk and space to slide in the drive circuit board. I doubt convertibles will work very well.
As I mentioned in the original blog article, I didn't make any space for the USB drive light, which I think would be cool to have flashing in the car.
One last fun thing about this drive is that the wheels still spin! So this bad boy can still roll the track...albeit clumsily.
I've seen USB drives that are no more than 1" long. I think I might try one of those. How hard is it to remove the circuit board from the case? You mentioned that you broke one.
Cool, I just found a USB flash drive that I broke the case on while cleaning up my office last night.
Now which car to pick?
Thanks! I have that drive at work and use it all the time to transfer presentations and always get comments It's fun.
All the details are over at my own blog (non-Hot Wheels): ... usb-drive/
In follow up to that article, I gotta say the trick is finding a flash drive that's easy to get apart. I tried to make another car drive and broke the flash drive in the process. Gutting the car is actually the easy part, getting the USB drive apart without breaking it seems harder.