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King of the Hill 2

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If there's still room I'd like to send two.

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WallyChamp73 8/27/24

If there is still room to participate New Jersey Drive Racing will send 2!  

Let me know, thanks!

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DrChemical 8/28/24

Is there still room to participate? I would like to send 1 car.

Thank you!

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CanesBart 8/29/24

Stock, so no paintin' and such, right?  Gotta have original rivits?

Ready to ship if theres 2 spots available for


I think I can get a couple cars together for dad and Isaiah to race

This race keeps growing.  How many cars are signed up now?

If you have a YouTube channel, post it here and i wlill post them in the description of my videos for this event.

  • I have one hot wheels video on my channel. My channel is alva1370 — alva1370
  • — Zamak_Speed_Shop
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RaginRicky 9/15/24

 Headed out first thing Monday morning. Will include return shipping. Definitely want them back. 

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