Life In The Free Lane 16 Car Event (Now Full)
Saturday, June 1st, 2024
This is my first Die Cast Mail in drag racing event. This tournament is geared towards new racers. I have come to enjoy this hobby, and I want to share it with anyone who is a part of it. I am limiting this to a car rookie/newbie field (preferred). The race will be a single-elimination race, with the best overall ET being the winner. If two cars are close in speed, the determining factor will be to the 1/1000 of a second. All videos and results will be listed on my YouTube channel, Freedom Diecast Drag Racing. Please include return shipping with your cars. If cars fail to meet the rules, they will be disqualified. If shipping is not included, your car will go with the winner. No prizes are offered for this event. "Bragging rights."
Rules & restrictions
- Stock entries only
- 39 to 59g maximum weight
- 3.25in. long x 2in. tall x 1.25in. wide (any car that will fit my stock track)
- Limit 2 entries per household
- Retail axles and wheels only. No other axles or wheels allowed
- Dry lube preferred (Oil if it has dried before race day)
- Cars can be painted or decorated, but nothing distasteful.
Dates & deadlines
All entries must be received by the host before Saturday, 5/25/2024. Racing is scheduled for Saturday, 6/1/2024. Results will be posted on or after that date as is convenient for the host.
How to enter
Send your entries to:
Lloyd Robertson
25190 W. Parkside LN N, Buckeye AZ 85326
Shipping is per box and not per car.
Include at least $8.00 for return shipping if you want your entries back. Entries not getting returned will be given to the winner as part of the prize.
Include a Race Entry ID slip with your entry
Racing will be on the Freedom Dragway. View track profile and specs
Race format and scoring
This will be a single-elimination tournament. A car will move on in the bracket only when it wins two races in a row. Cars will alternate lanes between each race.
The car that wins the final race will be declared the winner. The race host has the final decision in all races. (Best ET will determine the winner)
Bracket seeding will be random.
Cars are given a grace of 1g over the stated weight limit to account for variance in scales.
If a car fails to meet any of the restrictions listed above, the car will not qualify for victory. Offending cars will still race. Finish position and any prize will go to the runner-up in the case of the penalty car winning.
Cars that fail to run or fit on the track, or that happen to break during racing, will forfeit their matches. Cars that arrive broken will attempt to be minimally repaired before the racing begins. Cars that break during racing will not be repaired or replaced.
Bragging Rights
Yes I would like to send 2 cars for this event please. Thanks
I'll send 2 for this if you'll have me.
- Thank you! — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
- My 2 went off in today's mail. — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- Have your cars. Waiting on the rest. Thank you for participating. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
Count HotRods Customs in for 2 please
I'll get in for one!
Ill send 2 in for this race as well
- Thank you! — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
- Hi, I got your cars yesterday. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
I would like to sign up for the race
In for two cars.
Probably a Turbine Sublime, and a '87 Buick Grand National.
Sign me up for 2. It would be my honor to race my first mail-in at your first event!
- Thank you! — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
- Be fun to see you on the track. Go Wisconsin! — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- I have your cars. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
Thank you to those who signed up! 16 cars is what I was asking and 16 cars I have signed up. I am looking forward to hosting this race.
May I get in
- I need to keep the race the way I set it up. 16 cars will be tough enough. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
- Ok that fine maybe next time — Victorfastlane
I have set this up to keep track of winners and losing cars.
I'd like to enter this one. I've got 2 to send