Archaeological dig - Redlines!

Milton-Fox Friday, 11/1/2013

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I boxed up my collection of Hot Wheels and other diecast and scale model cars about 35 years ago! I saw them again about 20 years ago when I moved them from my parents house to my home. Today, I dug them out of the storage closet.

Here is a box of loose vehicles.

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

There are at least 4 Redlines visible and more buried underneath.

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

I have for a long time thought that this collectors case was a Hot Wheels product, but as you can see it is from Matchbox. There are three layers of vehicles and it holds - I believe - either 45 or 60 vehicles. Most are Redlines, if I am recalling that correctly. (Update - all of them where Redlines! 6 empty slots from a total of 72 total.

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

I know I started collecting sometime in 1968 and did so through '71 or '72 (latest one was actually from 1976). More pics to come as I sort through the loose box and open the case back up.

Stay tuned!


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redlinederby 11/1/13
Site manager

Awesome find, Milt, thanks for putting up pics!

I love finding old childhood stuff, just really motivates me to get into the spirit of things. Nice part now is that even if your old cars are in pieces and parts, you can create some one-off custom racers with them. You might make the next fastest racer!

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model40fan 11/1/13

ditto on re-finds...during a back room clear out...i dug out a 20 year old portable TV / radio, in the box...and from an old family tradition of taping the to / from tag on the gift's box, it still had the TO ; MIKE from ; MOM and DAD xmas tag taped to it... ditto on it getting you in the spirit !...

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Milton-Fox 11/2/13

Contents of the treasure box!

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

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Milton-Fox 11/2/13

The visible Redlines

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

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Milton-Fox 11/2/13

Sizzlers had Redlines!

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

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Milton-Fox 11/2/13

Rail Dragsters - Snake and Mongoose set and a FARBS! I have the other drag chute somewhere - more digging!

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

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Milton-Fox 11/2/13

Bits and pieces from the bottom of the box. The tires and most of the chrome pieces belong to non hot wheels vehicles. The big orange thing is a canopy for a Matchbox troop truck I think!

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

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Milton-Fox 11/2/13

The launching pad from an Aero Launcher set. I believe it is the Deora car. Wasnt the Deora - just looks like an El Camino as well. One is called Fleetsider and the other Seasider.

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

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Milton-Fox 11/2/13

A trio of Heavy Weights

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

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JDC442 11/2/13

Cool pics Milton! Love the old redline stuff.

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Milton-Fox 11/4/13

Here are the 6 trays of Redlines from my child hood carry case. I didnt find the 1st Edition Snake Funny Car (my favorite) or the 2nd Edition Mongoose so there must be more somewhere else. Nor four other vehicles which I have buttons for!! Also found more evidence of racing strip modifications and added tampos. Found another chute - but there is one more that is loose somewhere else still. The penny on top is from 1949 and includes 4 others glued together for added weight - the bottom one is blank on one side!

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

Diecast Cars, Hot Wheels, Matchbox

I havent finished sorting the folder, but their are individual photos of each vehicle at my Flickr site

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