Do you recycle your axles?

ConMan_Customs Sunday, 8/4/2024

Title says it all. I'm struggling to recycle/reuse axles that I'm fond of. I have tried using super glue gel and epoxy, neither are easy to remove and I find myself trashing my favorite axles more often than properly being able to reuse them

I guess I'm curious if anyone more experienced than I has a good system for removing adhesive from axles without damaging the axle? Since most people in the community are fond of using JB weld, I figure someone somewhere has found the best way to remove that epoxy from a dainty fragile object such as a hot wheel axle.


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alva1370 8/4/24

Acetone is industry standard to remove superglue. MEK (Methal Ethyl Keytone) is the strongest stuff I ever used to clean metal. Cured JB Weld I never tried, soak axles in MEK is the strongest thing I can think of. Good luck.

  • Yeah I've tried Acetone vs super glue to moderate success. It removes the axle, but you have to be careful with the acetone touching the wheels. It's melted some wheel plastic by running down the axle for me, ruining the axle. I know Warhammer 40k minifig artists avoid Acetone vs superglue bc it melts plastic like that. Not my favorite. In the future if I use super glue on an axle I know I want to reuse, I'll be using only a tiny amount to make removal w/ Acetone easier. — ConMan_Customs
  • I misunderstood, chemicals and plastic don’t mix. I just kiss mine goodbye and look for more donor cars. — alva1370
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X2Whiskey 8/4/24

I recommend trying E6000.  Takes a while to dry, but you can peel it off without much effort.  Experiment first.  I don't know if the solvents in it would harm plastic bases.

  • I use it all the time... sticks great, flexible and easy to remove with just pulling. Disclaimer: I am not fast — Stoopid_Fish_Racing
  • Wow, that sounds like it could be perfect for gluing axles. I'll have to try it out — ConMan_Customs
  • A drop of your girlfriends nail polish would hold an axle in place. — alva1370

This is what I use for my axles. It holds them in place really well, but you can usually peel it off in one piece after it dries. 

  • You can peel off your JB weld? With pliers I struggle to. Maybe because i’m using clear weld — ConMan_Customs
  • Or maybe I just need to invest in sharper needle nose pliers. It’s hard to grip the epoxy — ConMan_Customs
  • I use a tiny flathead screwdriver to loosen one end of it then peel it off slowly with pliers or tweezers. I put it on pretty thick in case I have to remove it. Oh, make sure it’s JB Kwik and not JB Weld. If you’re using weld, good luck getting that stuff off! — Dog_Squab_Racing
  • Oh, and I will also add, I don’t recycle axles much. I have yet to win an event, so why reuse slow wheels? I keep a ton of extra mainlines and fantasy vehicles just for the axles. But I have removed axles many times and reset them. — Dog_Squab_Racing
  • Ah… yeah, you seem to have found one of my problems. I’ll start using JB Kwik instead of Weld. Oops. — ConMan_Customs
  • Just an update, JB Kwik does remove super easy (and clean) with pliers, so thanks for pointing it out Dog Squab. I’m using it for my weights & axles on every build now. Cheers — ConMan_Customs
  • Awesome! I’ve never had any issues with it. It holds pretty well too. Glad it’s working for you. — Dog_Squab_Racing
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