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Formula 1 (2000s Era) Tournament

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Spirit_Of_64 8/20/23

Just to clarify, by 'Grand Prix F1' were you referring to the F1 Racer?  That's the casting that I had to hand.  Thought I'd ask before I build something that you're not wanting.

  • F1 Racers won't be allowed for this tournament. However, I'm planning an exclusive F1 Racer tournament in the near future as well, so hold on to that one! This tournament is only for the GP 2009 and F1 Grand Prix models. — BossChampionshipRacing
  • All right thanks for the info! — Spirit_Of_64
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Bolo_Brown 8/20/23

If there's still room you could put me down for 2

  • So that's any type of F1 Racer & also 34 g seem kind of light — Bolo_Brown
  • F1 Racers won't be allowed for this tournament. However, I'm planning an exclusive F1 Racer tournament in the near future as well, so hold on to that one! This tournament is only for the GP 2009 and F1 Grand Prix models. — BossChampionshipRacing
  • I intentionally gave more time to submit cars to this tournament for those who are interested but don't have the right car yet to enter. — BossChampionshipRacing
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MrShotgun 8/25/23

I'm new to the hobby and have a couple of questions.

1. how do I identify the exact model you require, GP 2009 and F1 Grand Prix. Shopping for used ones on eBay and the pictures and descriptions aren't always clear.

2. It's all stock, but what is still considered acceptable for unmodified cars? For example can I swap wheel and axel sets for any reason? Can the wheels be polished or shaped?  Etc..

  • Great questions. By stock, I'm saying the only thing you're allowed to do is customize the livery. So, the wheels and axels can be dry lubed and nothing more. No swaps. Trying to keep this as fair across the board as possible. There are 2 gp2009 looks one blue, one green. The F1 Grand Prix series are more expensive but come with official F1 decals. It's niche for sure. Let me know if you need any more help! — BossChampionshipRacing

I would like to enter your innaugrual race! 
Question; I know this is for specific castings, but can I just send a Ford F150 modified to 80 grams.... :) :) kidding 

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Big_Poppy 8/26/23

I'd like to enter a couple!

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Crazy_Canuck 8/27/23

Stock weight with just paint and a driver is 34.84g's ... is driver allowed?

  • I really want to enter and know exactly what two models he's referring to. But, if yours has just paint and is over the weight limit... — LobotomyScam
  • I guess if when I glue it back together it’s 35g’s then it’s gonna be one of them driverless racecars…lol — Crazy_Canuck
  • If it's just the paint, it's allowed. I'll make an adjustment to the rules. Thanks for sending this! — BossChampionshipRacing
  • I'm willing to flex on the weight if it's only paint and driver related — BossChampionshipRacing
  • Sounds good, Boss. Now I'm really curious as to the weight differences between the erlier and later castings. Plus, I've got doubles of many different cars and some weigh over a gram more. — LobotomyScam
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MrShotgun 8/27/23

Oh and I'd like to enter btw, I have some cars on the way and I'm working on setting up a test track in my garage. May the fastest car win!

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LobotomyScam 8/28/23

I'd like to enter, too. I commented on your first race (before watching it all) thinking that it was this one. I've been wanting to buy some more F1 cars and this gives me a good excuse.

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hpdandy 8/30/23

I'll be trying and getting two in the mail in time. #49 if avalible.

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MrShotgun 9/1/23

Testing some cars this weekend. Luckily I was able to find some of them bundled with other cars that I needed/wanted.

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MrShotgun 9/3/23

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but the green casting with the gold wheels appear to be faster. At least they are on my test track. One of the blue ones was so wonky and out of control, it flew of the track and landed on the concrete floor, bending the rear axel.

Add me in ????

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