email sent...
I'm so happy to see someone creating a track in France ! Return shipping would finally be affordable. Sadly, I cannot enter a car to any race right now, but what you do is awesome ! Moreover, your track is very nice !
Keep it up !
- Thank you for your message and your encouragement!! It’s very nice to read you! in fact, we think, after increased research on YouTube, that we are the only French people offering this format!! Don't worry, there will certainly be other tournaments where you can participate!! see you soon! — Lespassionsdejoffrey
Mr. Darq for two entries please
I would love to participate.
To all!!
first of all, I would like to thank you for your enthusiasm for our next tournament!! we hope not to have forgotten anyone to provide all the information necessary for the smooth running of this promising tournament!!
as a reminder: Please contact us officially, for those who have not received responses, at the address:
Emailed but in for 2
Petit cousin du Québec ici :P
Je suis un peu inquiet de voir la facture rendu à la poste, mais j'aimerais beaucoup participer :D
Je suis un peu débordé ces temps-ci et n'ai pas beaucoup de temps pour modifier, mais si j'ai le temps avant la date limite, j'en préparerai 2 ;)
- Coucou Cousin!! — Lespassionsdejoffrey
- Pour ce qui est de la poste, je ne pense pas que cela soit excessif, cela fera à peu de chose près moins de 200 grammes. — Lespassionsdejoffrey
- Pour l’instant, pas de dates limites, je ne crois pas en avoir mis lol. Mais je dirai début décembre — Lespassionsdejoffrey
- Pour rappel, et pour ton information au cas où tu trouves le temps de m’envoyer tes véhicules! Lol l’entrée par voiture est de 10 dollars, si tu veux que je te réexpidie ta ou tes voitures, il faudra rajouter 10 dollars par véhicule! Le paiement se fait via Paypal! Maintenant, tu sais tout — Lespassionsdejoffrey
I will love to send 2 cars
Yes please - email sent
To all,
First of all, I hope everything is going well for you!
I would like to know who really intends to send the cars to participate in the tournament!
I'm asking this question because I don't want to cheat anyone... if I receive more than the 32 cars planned for this tournament, don't worry, they will be reserved for the next tournament!! but I would like to know to give myself a little idea!!
I also wanted to thank you all for your participation!! I don't know if you know but in France, you will certainly compete for the first time because I think I will be the first to offer this format in France to other countries in the world!! Thanks again to everyone who reads me!!
and I say see you very soon on our TRACK!!
- I would love to get in with 2 cars — Victorfastlane
- Hello Victor, — Lespassionsdejoffrey
- Please send me an email to: to finalize your registration for the tournament! — Lespassionsdejoffrey — Lespassionsdejoffrey
- victorcostner2@gmail. — Victorfastlane
I'm in if theres room!!
- Hello! I think there are still a few places for you!! — Lespassionsdejoffrey
- Please send me an email to: to finalize your registration for the tournament! — Lespassionsdejoffrey
- Great to see you entering this race! — Schottys_diecast
- Will send email asap thank you!! Looking forward to racing you again Schotty!! — G_ForceRacing
- Two cars!! — G_ForceRacing
- Well received :-) — Lespassionsdejoffrey
Is it in France? If so I'd send 2 cars! There are too few races in Europe...