Getting your race wins added to your profile
Did you know you have race stats on your member profile?
The Redline Derby web site keeps track of yours race wins and finish positions - but it's not automatic - and it's not just for RLD races!
Since anyone can add their race to the calendar, it's up to the person that organized the event to submit the results when it's finished. When they do that, stats will get updated on your profile and show up on the Members section of the site.
How do you get that win added to your profile?
Just ask the race host to report the results here on the web site. It's quick and easy for the host.
Send them this link to get started:
They can learn more with the links on the Racing page, Member page, or the Calendar.
And remember, this isn't just for Redline Derby Racing events...any club/channel can easily share the results of their races. It's a great way to promote their channel, highlight their racing action, AND help you keep stats for your racing.