Hardcore Series II (#5-Maine)

22" HIGH
180" RUN OUT
Results are posted here- http://texasdiecastracing.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=195
Ha! Love the fact that it's on the bar top! That's too funny.
where do the H.D.S.II cars go next ? ready to ship...
Feb 5........Mechanicsburg PA.....F4Diecast.com
Maybe you could send it general delivery?
No, on second thought don't do that.
emailed them... no go... charm city...nope...schedule snafu ?... i can host another race here for fast fred if that fills the void...if so, i will lengthen or shorten the track to make it different than that of red one racing's...it was a ball !
They said they can't do the race? Or you got no reply?
they [ gspeeder][ crazy collector] are in for a race on the first weekend in april ! series III...
Best. Photo. Ever.
We need to adopt Deb as our official den mother or something. We'll go race and she'll bake us cookies and keep us well fed, sending us home with leftovers.
Proof that Hot Wheels racing knows no age, nor gender.
i'll pass on your centiments... you buy, she fly...and how did you know she is a pastry chef.... as i was not in the pic...[waistline] the writer works well as i asked her to be in charge ! ... just keeps things moving right along...
I say change up the track and race em again Smitty...what the hell!
Yea, I've corresponded with Smitty about this situation recently. 'crazycollector' and I originally signed on for the Featherweight Challenge, which is scheduled for Sunday, April 1st. I wish I could have gotten myself involved with the Hardcore series earlier because I would have no problem with assisting with a PA racing venue for series. However, 'crazycollector' is currently away on business and I don't yet own an "official" drag track(no starting/finishing gates). From what I've gathered, the C4 club in Baltimore already has a full racing agenda planned for Saturday...otherwise I would have been willing to take the cars down and run them on their track(they use a 15" Expert track). In any case, I've spoken with Smitty and PM'd Jason about this. And despite my recent concentration on 'open track' racing, I will keep an eye out for the start/finish gates that I need to make a fair & complete drag track so that I can offer to host races in the future.
i have a start gate, but it was for sizzlers...it starts into a 1" offset S turn [both lanes] 15" long...but coasting cars can't take much pitch... but if you start off with a slight incline and pitch down where the orange track starts... the cars simulate burnouts and increase speed as they exit the burnouts onto the increasingly pitched orange track... the car that best negotiates the burnouts and reaches the orange track first has an earned advantage... as an open track type guy i thought you might think about incorporating it into you track set-up, maybe as an option...gives different cars the advantage....it's yours GSPEEDR if you'll use it... pix on the featherweight eliminations post....
Big thanks to T.L.D.,
Seeing grabbergt's track set up, [long run out]...well, me too.... I have a union and some more cable , and there's enough BAR TOP at the GRIDIRON to add 3,4, maybe 5 more 20" track sections... series III ?