Hot Wheels Calgary Racing Thread
Happy Monday!! It's good to get back into the normal routine...for now anyway... Here's some catch up races for you...
Have a great day everyone!
Good morning! I will be away until Monday morning, so I won't be able to share the daily race for the next few days. Have no fear though, there will be a new race to watch each day at the Hot Wheels Calgary YouTube channel!
Have a great weekend...I know I will!
Hey!! I'm back!! It was a very busy weekend! But now, let's do some catch-up!
Oh...I almost forgot... Be watching for a big change to Birdco Raceway! You'll "flip" when you see it!
Happy 2 Lane Tuesday!!
Time for some catching up...
In today's race, I accidently cut off the end.The winner was the same as the winner in the 1st round of the final(last round seen) and for tomorrow, please pick from the cars you see at the beginning of the video.
And here's some extra goodie from the weekend...
A special announcement
A quick live stream I did Sunday