How do you make a tracks landscape look good? What should I use?

I'm debating if I should make a open track raging track like 3D or basically any open track diorama anyone has, I'm just a little confused on how they got the landscape/hillside to look so natural. What should I use for it? How do I need to make it?
Also, check out Stoopid Fish's comment on your other thread. ep had a great idea!
I use pink foam, glue, art sand, and paint to do most of my stuff
shape the foam, paint it w' mix of glue and paint, thinned if needed
after the second/third coat of paint/glue,
I start sprinkling colored art sand, and spritz with water
finish with watered down glue and add details
good guide on different styles
Dude, just hit any model railroader forum. Those guys have so much info about building trrrain that you could spend months researching stuff.
For my builds and landscapes I turn to the guys who do D&D terrain. Black magic craft, Wylocks Armory, etc. They use mostly cardboard and insultion foam.
This link is a tremendous help for landscape.
Here's my attempt so far.