How long?!!!

RalphsRacers Thursday, 12/19/2024

I've just started doing a roughly 20ft drag track,took me 5 minutes to record but over an hour to edit. Hope to cut that time down


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s_p_kranzor 12/27/24

Nice video. With all of those staging pics, multi cam shots, overlay text, etc, I can understand why it would take awhile. Editing is to video production as prepwork is to a paintjob. Keep sanding till its perfect!

Bonus points for the Keith Haring shirt!!

  • love the dog being condescending, too — dr_dodge
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Chaos_Canyon 12/27/24

That's a pretty common ratio of filming to editing, depending on the final output you want. It's not unusual for my 8-10 minute videos to take 3-4 hours of editing and about 20-30 mins of filming.

  • you are SO much better than I have a new goal! thanks for what ya do! — dr_dodge
  • It is taking me a bit longer at the moment as I’m learning davinci resolve as premiere pro had some annoying bugs that I got sick of. Also the first video in a series always takes twice as long as I decide on style of graphics, creating scoreboards etc but the subsequent ones tend to go faster — Chaos_Canyon
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dr_dodge 12/27/24

my record so far is 2 cameras, 22 min ea, 44 total

for under 6 minutes of video,

not counting audio tracks, which can be numerous


For me the standard is 1 hr of editing for every 1min of footage. A 12 min video is at the very least 12 hours of editing. I have 4 cams. But I may also be slow.  The more you do the faster you get and more comfortable you get. Best of luck

  • Same. 1 min of video = about 1 HR editing. — JBlotner42
  • plus audio, the more elaborate you get with that, (music/vo/sound effects) it really seems to add time — dr_dodge
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