Is this a good layout for a track?

The_real_midnight_smiler Thursday, 1/30/2025

I just want to know if it's good or not, or if there's some things that shoukd be changed


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alva1370 1/30/25

That's a pretty cool looking track. I might borrow your idea.

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GspeedR 1/31/25

That looks like a good decending pattern with an even amount of RH/LH curves. You'll probably have to experiment with the decent angles and transitions to encourage momentum thoughout the course. Once you find the right combination, most cars should be able to successfully execute to track while maintaining momentum to the finish line. Good luck!

If you havent seen EPVideos latest video on how he did his, I would suggest watching it. He very briefly shares a key element to first time builds and that's to "start" from the bottom and work up to the start gate. Thats how i built my practice track and it really really helps. Check it out: epvideos 

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s_p_kranzor 1/31/25

Looks like a great start to me!!

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SpyDude 1/31/25

Looks like a good layout. You may want to consider putting the base on wheels so it can be moved if/when needed, or making it in sections that can be easily moved. Sometimes people don't have the amount of real estate that building a track requires, and being able to shift it away from a wall for maintenance to the track or wall is a viable idea.

Gotta ask...what's the end goal with the track? Is it just a test track? Or is it going to be a permanent track that you will eventually host races on...cuz that will ultimately dictate what the final product will look like. Also...the comment about working from the finish line and elevation changes will have way more affect on your track than you think...

  • in the testing I did, it amazed me what 1/2" up or down, here and there did — dr_dodge
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