Just Say No to Tampos - Results Posted
Groups 3 & 4 are up on YouTube! Some crazy stuff is going down during groups 5 & 6 that you won't want to miss.
Groups 3&4 - Just Say No to Tampos Diecast Racing Tournament
Groups 5 & 6 are uploaded to YouTube, and what a night! Some crazy driving happens that just cannot be explained. Go Check it out!
The final two groups from round 1 are up on YouTubes. Which final 4 car will advance to the quarter-finals?
Round 1 of the quarter-finals is up on YouTube!
Quarter-Finals 1 - Just Say No to Tampos Diecast Racing Tournament
Round 2 of the quarter-finals is now up on YouTube! Next week, we will show both semi-final rounds, as well as the finals all in one race!
Quarter-Finals 2 - Just Say No to Tampos Diecast Racing Tournament
The semi-finals and finals round are a wrap and the YouTube video will be up Monday morning! And don't forget that the details for the next tournament at the Pacific Rim Speedway will go live right here on Redline Derby this coming Wednesday!
Final Rounds - Just Say No to Tampos Diecast Racing Tournament
Looking forward to watching the next group of racers and eventually seeing how my car navigates the course. Nice track set up.