Maryland Downhill Racing Events

Goolz11 Sunday, 10/21/2012

We have four upcoming Mail-in opportunities. Two are scheduled to take place in two weeks on the 3rd of November and the other two will take place on the 1st of December.

November 3, 2012 & December 1, 2012
Downhill Racing Stock Competition - $1 per entry
Die-cast must be a basic blue carded Hot Wheels in the blister (NO Mods!)
Winner - Hot Wheels 5 Pack and auto entry into the DRRWBC.

Downhill Racing Run Whatcha Brung - $1 per entry
As long as the die cast fit in the starting gate, through the finish gate and on the track if can race.
Winner - Hot Wheels 10 Pack

Also, in December, there will be a Downhill Racing Treasure Hunt Challenge. The cost is $1 per entry and all entries must be Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts that are still in the blister.
Winner takes home all of the losers... Who thinks they have the guts and the car to take them all!!!


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tastelikedirt 10/21/12

all entries must be Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts that are still in the blister.
Winner takes home all of the losers...


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