Piston Junction Invitational Underway!
Piston Junction Invitational, Season 1, Episode 1
The Martian Corporate Council is coming down on those with anti-mars sentiments and is requiring drivers to sign a loyalty oath! But many good sons and daughters of Earth are refusing!
Those who have refused thus far include Ironbeard Customs, R-Lo Racing and Stray Dog Racing, while King Jester, the notorious bad boy of Rhode Island, has thrown in with MARSEC!
Who will you support, when the time comes to make the choice?
Join us in Piston Junction!
Great racing!
- That’s rad — ConMan_Customs
- excellent! — dr_dodge
- Thanks guys! I was able to use the logo repository for a lot of it! If you are in the tourny and your logo isn't here, let me know. — StarCorps
- Awesome! I watched that multiple times! Nicely done. — johnson9195
The second episode is up and live!
Watch the video, but be sure to join us on Facebook to vote for your favorite driver from the week - they will receive an extra can in the standings!
As a note - I welcome and encourage /all/ drivers to submit voice clips to be in the WMD. All you need is facebook messenger - and a phone with a microphone. I can usually clean up all but the worst recordings.
- my driver is a girl, so I may have to pass...lol — dr_dodge
- I have some female friends who are willing to make me voice clips :) — StarCorps
- go for it, and angellica whistles to talk to the panther, have fun with it! — dr_dodge
- Great! When I ge tthere I'll reach out for some basics on the character. — StarCorps
From the desk of WMD Management:
As some have received, the Martian Corporate Council is reaching out to the Prospect Pool of the Wasteland Motorsports Diecast Racing League.
The WMD takes no official position on this contact, and while we must honor the directive to provide an extra Can for those who sign the pledge, we will not allow any official harm to come to those who choose not to sign the pledge.
We cannot endorse the supposed Earth Resistance, and we will not hesitate to act to keep outside forces from interfering with the integrity of our races.
WMD Holdings is a corporation based in Noctis City, Mars, and as such is a full and sovereign body with a seat on the Martian Corporate Council. Our internal business practices and structure are, by the agreed upon principles of the Martian Corporate Council, sovereign and are not subject to interference or overrule by any outside party, save in the instance of a major disaster that threatens the safety of Mars as as whole.
We do not work for or take orders from Chairman Musk. That right and privilege is reserved for our shareholders.
- Management.
Organizer Note:
All racers who have submitted their information via the Google form (Martian Corporate Council Identity Confirmation ) will receive the letter, which will come with waterslide decals, stickers and various correspondence from both sides of this conflict. Your choice will be logged and used in storylines moving forward. It's not my intention to allow this storyline to dramatically effect the race standings, and your car and the race are the most important thing, but I do want to encourage participation and engagement. Also to send you cool shit.
- F*ck Musk and Mars. I'm an Earthican! — FeralPatrick
- Then when you get your package - you need to prove it! :) — StarCorps
- F'k mars — dr_dodge
- We have relayed this to the people of Facebook! — StarCorps
- Patrick I got you in my sights now boy — Kingjester
Why have I been so slow with making our videos?
The main reason is one I have mentioned but never gone into detail about.
The home where workshop where Piston Junction is set up and built is being sold this next month. While I knew the home would be sold, when I started to build piston junction, the understanding was it would be in 6-7 years. However, all it takes is 2 years of bad administration to push a teacher out of teaching, and the house is being sold sooner.
I have been trying to figure out how to keep making the dream I've spent so much time and effort building still happen, how to deliver on the promise I've made to you guys.
So while I've been tearing down the workshop I have been making plans on how to continue even when the track itself has to come down. My small scale dioramas and filming gear will be relocated to my apartment where I am making a filming space.
Once I get the workshop stored, I can focus on just the track and then pre-film every race - and associated B-rolls and such as the like - and then I will have the film on hard drive I can edit it and put it out during the time in which the new workshop is being built.
You may have noticed I have been using a lot more small dioramas in the storytelling. Contain little scenes and less shooting on the actual piston junction track. That's because I can keep those small dioramas at my apartment and do small scale filming there without any issue.
My intention is not to abandon this project, nor to have built all of this community and hype and have it go nowhere.
We will finish this race series and hopefully be in a much better position to build the next track, which I am calling 'Escape from Nuke York'. Props to R-Lo Racing for the gem of that pun name.
Good evening all,
It seems this has been avoided all day, so allow me to start. (sorry long post)
BUT, this is also directed to ALL hosts to think about seriously.
Life comes and gos. We do what we can. We also take on responsibilities. Those we chose.
Starcorp decided to call a race in December. Deliver cars before Friday, 2/23/2024.
The productions got better, and were a lot of fun, but I feel project drift happened.
Track needed tuning, videoing perfected, and real world estimate of editing needed all take time.
marsec, etc, and then....the lost venue!!!!!!! disaster!
I think many here can understand that we sometimes take on more that we can,
often without ourselves understanding the full impact, and how it effects others,
precisely car builders. we attempt to put our version of perfection into that car.
The race was posted to start in March.
We are a week from October, and the times trials were finally done, that is 7 months.
I suspect many builders, after reading the above, figure, between moving, the up coming holiday season, increased unpredicted $$$$ burdens on the host, that they feel:
"oh great more cars I made, never to see run, or be returned"
Honestly, the silence all day has been dramatic, so obviously people are uncomfortable saying something. I figured I'd do it.
By the way, I expressed my views to Starcorp last night on JJ discord. (I want his vision to suceed)
To maintain "street cred" film the competition, pump and dump if you have to (goes for all hosts)
and then return everyones race cars.
You do this, I know I will send you cars again, as, I suspect many others will too.
without that, it becomes the squid race, yet again
or moontrash cross country
I am not dumping on starcorp, lets get this straight right now.
it's WAY bigger than that,
hosts fufilling their obligations, for us to see our cars run, then return them
(we all send the extra cash to make sure that happens)
And as an added side beef, don't list a race here, and not follow up.
at the very least post the first event when it starts,
If you plan on FB all the good stuff, list it at the posting of the race,
'cause I won't enter. make me sad hosts won't post here and the FB is loaded
I do not have an acct, and have to borrow a device to see all that, which floods the borrowed device with "not that persons" interests.
and as a last vent.
If you sign up for a race, make offers, etc as a builder,
make the car and send it, even if it sucks the host fills the stop you claimed.
backing out of races is OK, not 2 days before the dead line
I'd like to see stats on signups vs cars that arrive, but it's not pretty
Responsibility, plain and simple
SO Rant off.
- A pretty fair and considered post dr. I certainly wish starcorp the best, and have tried to support the event. But, (yeah things happen..) and the event seems to be in drift mode, which we have seen before with may others, then poof! Very good of starcorp to post his situation, appreciated, but yeah, at times best to fall on ones sword, in certain situations. Drs suggestion is a fair one. Things happen. Next subject. Lucky (ha , no) being so far away I notify event promoters if my car wont make it, at least 3 weeks before an event. So never an issue for them not to fill my spot. I wish all well, and hope starcorps situation works out well in the end. Cheers all, Marc D — CutRock_R_Marc_D
- there's a lot to learn in doing this - as an organizer. I was just hitting the actual races, and getting to a point where I could churn them out when I got the news it all has to come down. — StarCorps
- But again - I want to stress - I am continuing forward and as soon as I have the workshop cleared out, I will have nothing to work on but the videos. — StarCorps
- Yes, I can imagine what a devasting blow for you to have heard it all has to come down. — CutRock_R_Marc_D
- Gutting. — StarCorps
Love the world building here!!
To borrow from Malcolm Reynolds, "it may have been the losing side; I never claimed it to be the wrong one." The Browncoats lend their aim against MARSEC