Pro-Am will end the 2021 RLD mail-in season

The RLD Summer Pro-Am is racing as we speak and will soon get videos up for all to enjoy while the cars make their way to the next track, four stops in all. The Pro-Am will end sometime in September when the cars return to Ohio for some final fun before cars return home.
After the RLD Pro-Am is officially in the books, the 2021 mail-in season for RLD-hosted races will be over. The July race will be the last mail-in. I was hoping to do a end-of-year race but I'm not completely sold on that plan yet.
Thankfully there is a good list of late-year events already on the calendar being organized by great clubs across the country...and I'm sure more will get added as we continue through the summer.
Hosting mail-in races every other month since February has been a lot of fun but also doesn't leave a lot of room for other projects. I want to rebuild my drag strip and I've wanted to think up some alternate track styles as well, but I can't really do that when mail-ins are always waiting in the wings. I'm also behind schedule on making updates to this web site so I can bring more racing to the masses. Not to mention, I'd like to spend some time making cars and entering races y'all are hosting!
Our hobby is deep and you gotta figure out how you want to spend your time going down the many paths it offers. After the Pro-Am, I'll be looking ahead to 2022 and planning next year's mail-in events...hopefully with some new tracks to attack.
But regardless of all that...Redline Derby Racing will continue to be your hang out for diecast racing discussion, articles, calendars, and all around good fun.
I'm cool with it if you decide to scale back - you have other things to do that don't necessarily involve Hot Wheels and racing (although I can't imagine what ...:p) You made this place for all of us to come and share our tracks, our cars, our channels, make some new friends, and generally enjoy the sport of diecast racing. We can't reasonably expect you to keep putting in the work and not be able to join in the fun, right? Scale back, build some cars, ship them out, then sit down and watch them run. Don't worry about anything else other than YOU ARE RACING!!!
Thank you for making this place for us. You rock.