Self promotion, channel video commercials
Good evening to all,
as the wrap up on Goat Hill goes, I realized something
I want to give Redline credit, and will do a sign,
I downloaded the promo pack to make it with.
a revelation came during it.
Redline needs a commercial, 15 seconds
So does everyone selling/building this giant amazing "mess on the floor as kids" we call
I would put a redline commercial into my vids if I didn't have to make it, just download it
so, why do we not "self promote"? if drivers/hosts made some simple, short, vids I would stick them in my stuff
think about it...would I rather pitch GTR (Example) or some dumb you tube ad inserted
We should put our own links/commercials in the videos, at the least, where ytube can cut in for their paid stuff
If redline had a 15 sec "bam-mercial" I would stick in there
but the concept of self promo, and group promo we need packages of content that You like,
that are easily dropped into videos.
a library/repository to get those from would be nice.
just "observations"
Great idea Doc. I’m already coming up with stuff in my head.
Solid idea.
I'd put it in my vids.
Good thought / idea!
Copy and past a commercial would be easy to put in our videos.
90% of the ads on my channel are for brands I make up as a parody, but I do some more serious ones to push charities I support for a series, like Paw Justice for the Mustang tournament. I did of course used to do the DRN report where I featured every channel I could each week for about a year but just ran out of time to do it.
- Gee you did such a wonderful thing for the community, and I loved tuning in for breakfast with it! Thanks — CutRock_R_Marc_D
- I like that, commercials about made up stuff. Endless potential. — alva1370
redline's perm sign
both of them
- Very nice! — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- Cool! — ManiacMotorsports
- Good start. — alva1370
- Looking good! — StrayDog
- Like looking down when on the Big Dipper! — CutRock_R_Marc_D
- Those sign holders look awesome! Did you make them or purchase them? I'd like a couple like that for my track. — ChaseFamilyRacing
- and made, starbucks coffee stirrers, bamboo skewers, and iron on wood veneer, all hand made, the small signs have magnets in them to be able to swap signs (pm for construction details) — dr_dodge
Interesting concept!