Sizzlers Fat Track - Good?
Wondering out loud here. I know a lot of open course tracks use Crash Racers track. But given the option to get Sizzlers fat track for the same price, would you? Is it the same, better or worse than Crash Racers. I'd assume Crash Racers is popular due to availabilty vs Fat Track.
I ran across a Sizzlers Big O Fat Track set today at an antique shop for $35. (picture below is the same as the set I saw). Is it worth grabbing? Looking for info/opinions on Sizzler Fat Track for open course Hot Wheels racing. Thanks in advance! Z
at 35, I'd buy it
- I agree because you get at least two 180s and two straights — AbbyNormal
- Thanks I think I'll probably grab it. Was already considering buying a crash racers set to build a test track — Zamak_Speed_Shop
I began using Fat Track in my layouts in the mid-70s and I still use it today. Since it's obviously wider than CR track, there can be more opportunities for contact-free passing. Some may argue that CR track can be faster because there's less of a chance for spin-outs on the narrower track. A momentum robbing spin-out on Fat Track usually yields a DNF.
Also, most used Fat Track sets are missing the vital straitaway connectors. If so, you can pay a king's ransome for them on the popular auction sites but they have been offered by 3D print shops in the past. It took me years to acquire enough connectors for the amount of Fat Track I have.
Myself I don't care for the type of racing the wider track gives you. Too much wrecking, spinning around, going backwards and the DNFs. I'm using crash racers and I've been testing vinyl soffit for my open straights.
3D talks pros and cons about different track types
From what I've understood, sizzlers fat track (the vintage track) apparently tended to crack and break after excessive use. If you are going to use sizzlers fat track you wanna use the re-released fat track not the og
sub4ra used this stuff and the racing was really good, but its expensive AF and discontinued 50 years ago, for $35 I'd probably buy it and keep it in the box.
At $35 US, I'd grab it in a heartbeat.
That is cheap. It is great track if one takes the time to set it up and tune it properly.
3D Botmaker used it, and the original track at Hot Car Track also used it, very successfully.
Power Drive Racing also set up a huge track, and did some rustic, but great videos. He also conquered the spin out issue, by coming up with a simple effective rear tyre/s strategy. One can see the effect of the use of these tyres most effectively in the big event at Hot Car Track, "Vantastic" a few years ago.
I'm sure any of the great 3D guys ie Spoolheads/Slanman would could make anything needed. ie track joiners etc.
Enjoy. If you need any further info on any of the above, just comment.
I have the same box of the fat track. It works OK and is wider than the CR. but it is getting brittle and has a few cracks along the side wall. I would go with the CR because of availability.
I guess it depends on what you're trying to do. The main concern I would have is that you wouldn't be able to get third-party parts for it if it's not supported like crash racer. You'd certainly want to get a adapter to go from two lanes of orange to Fat track sizzler.