Why No Top Dog Elimination Series?
My goal was to hold a series of weekly events with the possibility of there being a new "Top Dog" every week. The idea seems to be a bust, and so I am asking for feedback. Is it because of my short-track summer setup or other reasons? One of the reasons for my taking part in this hobby is to share in fun and host races. At some point, as my confidence builds, I will participate in some also. Another question would be, what type of drag racing event would be great for those like me who are still learning to make cars faster?
As I try to figure out how to make cars go faster (instead of making them go slower) a weekly event seems really ambitious and overwhelming. Maybe an event every few weeks and that event should be like the drag races of yesteryears. First up would be locals racing their daily rides against each other - then the local amateurs racing their hopped up dragsters - then the main event with the pros and the new hopefuls. So in die cast terms that would be in the same order: a rip and race, then stock (unmodified) cars with only lube allowed, then the pros fully modified.
Then you need to limit the number of racers in each class or do a lottery system to make it 'special' to get in. Finally - if something like this could be done (in coordination) with a few other drag strips .... then you have a race series. And keeping postage in mind - this way I could mail in one box that has a couple rip-n-race cars, and stock car. That would give me a lot of racing bang for my buck. Add a $5 or $7 entry fee to cover prizes (plus of course the cars in the events). And only pro cars are eligible return or something like that. Maybe the top 5 stock cars could be eligible for return again trying to minimize post race stuff like return mailing. This is what you call 'some crap I made up over a late breakfast'.
Well you can't please everybody so creating races that are interesting to you is about all you can do. It's true that summer time seems to be the season with lowest participation in events due to busy schedules and what not. I would'nt worry too much about it. I'm sure the inside short track is less appealing to people than your larger garage track, although you have a 100% valid reason for why you moved indoors for awhile.
It is also challenging to get a big draw of racers to a new track/channel. There have been so many that have claimed big things and then 2 years later, no racing and you never see your cars again. Use this time indoors to try and build your own speed through various lubes and what not. Learn to take cars apart put them back together this summer so you can have a modified option later on. Unless you already can.
I think if you continue to post shorter race videos for now and let people know the big track is coming back when temps can stay under 100 degress, things will pick up. My channel had 11 subscribers in December of 2022 and now i almost have 500 and when i post races they fill up.
By the way, I mailed out 6 cars to you for the top 3 series and they should be there in a few days. If you dont have enough entries for a tournement, use them to race against your top cars to see where your at. Call it a "channel showcase" or somehing just to keep interest brewing. You are welcome to hold on to the cars untill the big track is raceable and if you want to send some racers to my track "Haywood Valley Raceway" at Chase Family Racing to see how you do someplace else.... send em!
- Thank you. Work and school take up a lot of my time, but I will learn to build cars. I have some graphite I am experimenting with to see how it works. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
- Excellent advice, not much I can add. I like to send modified cars to newer hosts before I’m willing to send my best stock cars. You should consider modified races. This type of King of the Hill racing is certainly nothing new but I can tell you for these races the draw is usually seeing how you’ll do on an established track. You have to first produce races with your own cars and build a following. Also, changing tracks in the middle of a series like this isn’t recommended. I’d wait until your normal track is back up and running. — BlueLineRacing
- Hi BlueLineRacing, I agree with you and everything you told me makes perfect sense. As far as the layout goes, I should have had my layout set before hand. I did choose to start this series after I moved my track inside and I am considering keeping it this way. May make a tweak or two, but I like being indoors for my racing. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
- Thank you for sending the cars. They look cool and I bet they are fast. Racing coming soon! — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
I have renamed the series KING OF THE SHORT TRACK. I could make the hill a little steeper, but I think the speed is just right for the distance and watching a shorter race. I am thinking about keeping this track, even after the weather cools off, because I like having it indoors. Time will tell. I do hope other racers and channels will continue to support me. I am experimenting with graphite that I purchased to see how well it works and if I can compete with fast cars. This is great for an inexpensive hobby.
- Stick to it. It will develop. — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- I am very busy this summer, and set some very tight limits on my racing until this fall, then I will build and enter more — dr_dodge
I actually just found your track yesterday on YouTube. Quick question you call it a short track but how long is it really?
- My indoor setup is 10' from start to finish. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
- BTW. I dig your setup! — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
So another thing is when we first started, we automatically assumed everyone would know who we wwere. You can't assume that. There are still millions upon millions of people that don't even realize that diecast racing exists. You have to do your own advertising. It also wouldn't hurt to go on Facebook and get to know all of the guys. There aren't exactly thousands of us, but there are hundreds of us. You have to understand that it takes a little while to build up a following. There are also some of us that don't race stocks. There are others that race stocks, but only the ones that are known to be fast. Some of us don't race unless there's something to win. Take for instance, a trophy or a gift card or something. This is a hobby, but it is also a "sport". There needs to be something to win. You have a better chance at attracting the newer guys in stock classes because they don't know how to modify. One thing I noticed and I'm not being critical just offering up my opinion, your commentary is a little sketchy. It will evolve overtime, but don't be afraid to delete, some of the commentary and make it sound a little better. And by better I mean more natural. I've read some of the other comments about summer time racing and I can tell you that a lot of people have a garage or a shed as they're dedicated workspace so In the summer months that can be difficult. My garage is also my diecast Haven and it generally stays 90° plus but I'm dedicated to my craft so that doesn't bother me as much as others lol. I also don't enter every race there is. It has to interest me. There are some guys, and this is not a complaint, but there are some that will enter any event there is. R-Lo, Numbskull, Dubious Deicast, and many others. Reach out to them And enter in any discussion you can find. You have to draw interest. You have to remember you're not going to please everyone and that's OK. It's diecast racing. If you build it, they will come. Good luck and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Keith and I (Flips Racing and FPD Racing respectively) of Low Country Diecast Racing League (LCDRL) have been doing this for quite a while and are always willing to help.
Another thing I would like to point out is that drag racing will never have the following that fat track (road course etc) has. There are just too many elite builders out there and if they enter an event no one else usually has a shot. So therefore the chance to win in fat track racing is much higher due to all sorts of variables. Again Good luck and we'll see ya at the races!
Thomad Filipiak
Filipiak Performance Diecast (FPD_Racing)
- Thank you and I understand what you are saying. I do realize it will take time, and being a noob myself, my goal is to reach new "er" racers. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
Blueline & FPD just offered up a lot of good advice. They've been doing it awhile.
I watched your video and subscribed. I thought it was good! Like they said up above it will get better just takes time. Im a student of Repetition Strengthens and Confirms; so keep at it! Only critique i would have is show the finishline times a little longer. I usually fill out a spreadsheet to track times.
I would also say that having a drag race restricted to actual dragster and funny car castings would be fun and fun to watch. You know dragsters - big tires in back and little tiny ones up front. Restricting castings to certain types or models can help to level the playing field a little. And allow stocks and modifieds to get everyone in.
It's looking a bit the same as your start into the H0 slot drag racing scene some time ago, Lloyd. Don't expect too much to early. Wishing you better luck this time! ;-))
Made a change to my ramp drop. I took some foam board I had and made a small ramp from it, and I think it looks pretty good. No more changes until I finis this series, but I needed to do this so the cars get a little more speed and to make my set up much more visually appealing.
- Looks good. I think you almost HAVE to re-run the 4 cars you did last week if this is the "new" track to be used in this series....? — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- Out of fairness and good sportsmanship, I most certainly will. I will rerun the 4 and see if things change. — Freedom_DieCast_DragRacing
Summer is just too busy for me. I'm behind in builds for races I've already signed up for. Otherwise I'd love to send you some cars. Keep up the good work. You'll get there with a little patience. I started about the same time as you and I'm finding it takes a little more time than expected to get a following. will be hosting my first race this fall.
The Summer months are a very busy season for a bunch of us, the short track is fine llyod but most cars wont reach their true speed with the short track set up. Now if you had better dip that would help IE - LCDRL. But lots of ppl w Vaca and outdoor events etc. Your Top dog if a great idea and i like it, i just know i get back into racing fall, winter, and spring. Plenty of time indoors and testing.
Clay - ONE31