Cipularang Highway KM 90

Total length
Road course


  • Style: Road course
  • Total length: 15 ft.
  • Lanes: 2
  • Built by: setandiecast


Hi Everyone,

First of all, I'm glad finding this site and I'm so amazed that there are so many trackers contributing and sharing some of their tricks and tips for tracks building. Allow me to share my story building this tracks. 

Detail for the Tracks:
1.Starting Gate

Mechanical Custom. I used Corruplast then create this L shape with the extention extention. Works ok so far.          

For the turns. I use also Corruplast but using one sided wall. It much better so any car will fit. For the wall/fence`, I create this bellow shape, fold the little rectangle then bend entire long rectangle. Glue the little rectangle at the bottom of the lane turns 

This is how it looks from the bottom once you glued the wall/fence

To me it works well, I can create any random turns as the wall/fence will follow.

For the connector between orange and my corruplast turns. I used the 3d printer. I posted it in thingverse: . For everyturns on my corruplast at the end and the begining i cut it this shape so it'll fit with the connector. This way the cars gets stabilized after the turns to go to straight lane.

For the drift, I used magnet at the end of the orange tracks:

For the openlanes i used also Corruplast but on top of it I layered it with this type of plastic material so it will have straight grid and make the cars more stable on the straight lane.

Last but not least, for my drift pad full scale, I used this thin whiteboard material ( wood ) and cut it into a C shape. I use the same tricks for the wall/fence like above. At first it wont be that slippery, but I used this crystal powder for 5cent and it works. The cars will drift randomly then you need to learn from SpyDude to modify the cars using some weight at the rear.

I guess that's all i can share for now. I haven't finished reading all the tutorial from this site and looking forward to improve my tracks definetely. 

Notes: for glue tips, I use cigarette bud + power glue. Found the tutorial from youtube. It's stroooooong.