Another New Guy

Hi Discovered your site when I was researching HW track for my son for xmas, seeing this site I've fallen back in love with hot wheels in a big way. Does anyone know if there going to be another mail-in Derby anytime soon? I'm in middle of nowhere Canada so it's hard to find people. Thanks!
Welcome 80sMuscle! Its always great to find new RDR members that are also 'parents' because our never time wasted.
Hi Muscle, and welcome to Redline Derby! Glad you stumbled across our neck of woods where men are still boys. I hope you check out all that Redline Derby offers, including the blog and the Fantasy League game. The fantasy league just finished up for 2011 but it will be back in the Spring, but you can still check it for all ages too! I know a lot of the other players play with their kids.
Check out the Events Forum for posts on live events and mail-in tournaments. As Carl mentioned, a mail-in tournament for modders is starting up soon, so if you're into customizing your cars it's definitely worth checking out. It's a lot of fun.
If you have any questions about Redline Derby, just make a post or feel free to PM me.
Happy racing!
Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
Next Gravitywerx Mail-in race starts as soon as I get enough entrants (20-30). 10-round, 10 week slugfest. No one gets eliminated. No weight restrictions/classifications. No crazier Hot Wheels racing anywhere!
welcome muscle, lots of racing ideas here...
Welcome to the wonderful world of guys who still play with little cars!
As for the mail-in races, there is a discussion about getting a new one started right now. Here it is:
Variation Jason hosts the Hardcore Downhill Series which is a nationwide mail-in series. The next one starts January 1. Hopefully Jason will chime in with more details or you might shoot him a PM.
Again, welcome, and enjoy your stay.