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Building the official 3DBotMaker Test Track

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DJRobLuv 3/8/18


The finish line base, which allows for easier connecting and extension of the straight of the track is much needed as well!!!

I’ll keep hope alive for a 6 lane curve...


Thanks 3D!!!

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sub4ra 3/8/18

Love your thinking DJRobLuv!  Six lane curve, or even a 3-4 lane curve, would be sick!  I love the idea of a finish line base for racing scale 1/4 instead of using bricks to hold it up lol.  

I responded to your message 3D.  Love the new videos too.  Love the camera work, music, and of course, racing!  Keep 'em coming man!

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DJRobLuv 3/9/18

...BTW, I hope a rep from Mattel is paying attention to this...

6 lane track accessories would create a whole new market segment...

We need these accessories as racers and FREE MARKETERS & ADVERTISERS FOR MATTEL for putting their products on display and in use on YouTube...

They don’t spend a dime on advertising for The 6 lane raceway, but yet it sells out in stores and is selling online for darn near double the MSRP...

Mattel, do your fans a SOLID and start expanding on the 6 lane raceway line with accessories. We shouldn’t have to make our own curves, accessories, and other modifications for your products.

Thank you.

  • Well said sir, on all ends. — sub4ra
  • Unfortunately, jumping dinosaurs has a higher margin :) — redlinederby
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DJRobLuv 3/10/18


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ghenty 4/24/20

How many cameras are used on this filming of the Mazda race, it looks ace!

  • He's got 5 GoPro cameras that he switches between — redlinederby
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anonymous968 4/27/20

For those using the metric system I made this image of the track layout, I just used Wolfram Alpha to convert it from inches to cm. Used are 2" x 3" lumber parts - converted this makes: 5,08 cm (h) X 7,62 cm (w) OR 50,80 mm (h) X 76,20 mm (w).

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MTRaceway 12/2/23

Awesome Job!! Keep going! ????????

I built this same frame out given the dimensions from test track and I'm using the crash racers set turns but the turn seems to be too wide. Where can I purchase the turn that was used in the pics

where can i get those curves? ive been trying to figure out a way to get a two lane turn but i just cant find anything goo enough to use. ive tried making my own turn but it comes out not that great.

  • 3D is no longer making pieces for production, however Spool Heads and Slanman Customs are both creating those curves and many other variations. I believe both have shops on Etsy. — SpyDude
  • it seems spoolheads has upgraded to a new track system. unsure if his older stuff is available — dr_dodge

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