Buying/crafting fat track
AJdiecastracing Wednesday, 6/9/2021
There are many different methods to buying/crafting fat track, you can ether take the ready made attempt which is buy it, open it,lay it ,race on it or you can make DIY fat track with almost anything smooth ( wood,plastic,fibreglass, clay,cardboard,metal,foam etc)
Cardboard Track (Speedzip)Foam Track Plastic Track I don't have any clay,metal,wood or fibreglass track oops .
Any ideas for track?
chears AJ
You can also check out the topics tagged with Building Materials to see other discussions around what types of things you can use to build a track. No shortage of ideas or materials, that's for sure. If a car can roll on it, it's good - just have fun figuring out what works for you and what you enjoy working with.
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Chaos Canyon main track and helix tracks are all hand made out of a product called palite. It's essentially a high density foam and can be cut easily with a knife and will shape a lot easier than the likes of coreflute/coroplast as it has no cells. It also holds paint really well and either hot glue or super glue is great for holding it together.