Combined guardrail & fixation
Schottys_diecast Monday, 5/22/2023
Hi everybody!
Do you remember the higher guardrails (or walls) for the crash-racer set that (if I remember well) Chaos canyon shared 2 years ago.
I wanted to share with you a different version we created a while back. We combined them with an other fixation so the track pieces are held down in the middle to.
It's free available on thingiverse. Search for "Hoochapple Hotwheels track"
At this picture you can see 2 different versions we tryed.
it works also great for a dual lane drag track!
We hope that this can helph a few of you to build your track!
We wish you all a good time building your track!
awesome, I'll have to print it out and give it a whirl!
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Thats awesome Schotty, thanks !! Every little bit helps!!