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Diecast Descent 123' roadcourse

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This track looks great! I'm always amazed at the creativity I see in these tracks. What a great time to be a diecast racer! - Jay Bo

Great layout! I love longer tracks like this, cars get to really show off their speed (or lack there of) on this style of track. I understand the difficulties of balancing speed with stability in track building. Nice job. Lets see a video!! 

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Dirtcar119 12/3/23

Would anyone know about  cameras? So far I have 2 go pro max 360,s. But I'm gonna need 5 more cameras to get everything I feel like. So I'm looking for something good and cheap if that exist. And also advice on editing software. Thanks

  • software, I am using open shot, it's free — dr_dodge

Looks really neat looks fun

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