Directory of local race clubs

redlinederby Thursday, 5/11/2023
Site manager

Mail-in racing is great but sometimes you might want to just hang out with people in-person and enjoy some racing. 

Help build a directory of local & live racing

Leave a comment with the group/club name, state location, and a link if you run or know of a club/group/league that does regular in-person racing in your area. Please do not submit groups that only do online or mail-in racing.

We'll organize submissions into this list so people can easily find live racing happening in their area.



Rhode Island



  • Meal Ticket Raceway - Portsmouth, VA. Live racing throughout the week. Visit site for details.

Submit a comment with the name, state location, and link, of a club or group that hosts regular in-person diecast racing in your area. We'll review submissions and add them to the list above.

Check out the RLD Race Calendar for more racing events and those that offer mail-in competition.


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ChiefWopahoo 5/14/23
2020 Rated Rookie

THis is a great topic and hoping that more in-person drag racing events spring-up throughout the community. Thanks for the link Brian.

It's nothing professional or organized. But every now and then some friends and I will meet up at the shop. With at least 8 unopened cars/trucks to race. We set up a 40 foot track. With a super 6 starting gate and finish line. Only run 2 lanes. We bet a dollar a car, so if you run 4 cars, you put in 4 dollars. Of course we have coolers full of beer, and a stereo blaring. Always a great time! Also gives me a chance to find fast cars, that I end up customizing for a mail in race!

  • Gambling AND drunk driving, where do I sign up!? — LordSyosset
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MTRaceway 12/2/23

Meal Ticket Raceway 

Hampton roads va. 

Mon. Tues. Thurs. Firday. Sat. and Sunday. Live Tiktok mostly. But Yhe event will be on YouTube live Jan 2024

Jan 1 2024 starts the 9 month Race of the Ultimate Diecast Grand Prix Race of Dragrace Efficiency and Endurance Race.  People world wide is watching. (No Joke) to see who is has the best car in the world of diecast racing. Meet the Team at the MTR Lounge

Register on and get your license to race. 

  • If you want to have fun, come and join this tiktok page. He has a hand-built track with roller coasters like turns. And, enough straightaway to pick up some fast speed. I subscribed and became a racer just for fun. Now, I have enjoy the page so much that I went and had 2 custom painted cars I race with. The chat has people of all ages enjoying the racing as well. His collection of hotwheels, matchbox, die-cast is amazing. I think he has put in so much work and want to share the fun with others. You can register for free. Wanna get your license and join the brackets? Come join some good clean fun competition racing. Join the discord chat and come meet some of the racers..LET'S LIGHT THIS UP!! — HarleyRella
  • Great story on your local news! Way to get some press and share the hobby. — redlinederby
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CURTD0G 12/2/23

Meal Ticket Raceway is where it's at !!!!! The owner runs league racing at its finest with a growing team of good people from all over the World !!! He also hosts weekly "heat" racing for fun on a six lane custom Raceway! It is web based BUT thats PERFECT for me with my work schedule its hard to visit in person. MTR allows me to watch, tune, change, or upgrade my car remotely! With new types of racing to come in the future better get in while it's early!! Visit and watch the tutorial video to learn more. 

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Teamjoker 12/3/23

Mealticketraceway this amazing man had a dream, he didn't realize his dream would bring so much happiness to people also in the same process unite so many people from all over world and all walks of lives together that became a big family who watches out for each other and help each other out. He made very family oriented place that we all have fun from ages 8 -80 

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