Fast lane/Slow lane

tastelikedirt Wednesday, 2/1/2012

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Do you ever get the feeling that one of the lanes on your race track is faster than the other? Do you keep switching thing around trying to make things fair and still feel like one is faster for some reason? I'm not sure if this is my imagination, but I'm about to dis assemble my starting gate because I'm not sure if this is contributing to the problem, or if there really is a problem.

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Jobe 2/2/12

Always, it's hard to get them perfect but I try my best.

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model40fan 2/2/12

with heet #5 we ran one of my series III cars against the NASTY99, every pass was within .02 second, lane swap didn't matter as they traded wins back and forth in both lanes... gonna be a good future race !
watch out T.L.D., TRI POWER is on the prowl...

I used to have a Tri-Power intake on my Chevelle. I could never get it to idle or work right from light to light, but on the freeway that thing worked like no other.

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model40fan 2/2/12

well, the three pots on my A-=OK are astro funk's induction

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redlinederby 2/2/12
Site manager

Every time I setup my track each lane is different and I do my best to keep them equal based on testing same cars by switching lanes but one is always faster than the other it seems. Part of it is the plastic track and joints, part of it is the boards warping in the weather, some of it is the angle, some of it is the starting gate too...there are a lot of variables to manage and it drives me nuts.

But in the end I just make sure things are as fair as possible and go with it. In theory, if you do a lot of racing with a constant population of cars, everything will even out and the data will show which cars are faster regardless of slight variances in the track.

Thanks, that's reassuring.

There are a lot of variables.

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JDC442 2/3/12

Even with my seamless track it appears that I have a lane that's just a bit faster than the other. From a bird's eye view, one of the lanes comes down at a slightly different angle from the other. I try to even them up as much as possible, but no matter what I do the left lane which is just a bit straighter than the right coming down the vertical out of the start gate, will produce more wins. It may also be how the cars come out of my start gate as well, it's really hard to say. I was sure that once I got rid of the seams in my track, the lanes would be perfectly even. Yes, it is a lot better than before, but it's not quite perfect

It may also be how the cars come out of my start gate as well, it's really hard to say.

Yes, sometimes when a car gets a really good jump out of the gate, I start to wonder.

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model40fan 2/3/12

never doubt a lazy man's motives... try swapping the track lanes, sometimes the track difference gets absobed in the lane change....

try swapping the track lanes

No doubt, I do that every time I set up the track, and then switch out any pieces that give me trouble. Also letting the track settle a bit before racing seems to help sometimes. One good thing about those Hot Wheels Race Team cars with the red wheels. The Bone Shaker seems to find every imperfection on the track, and is often thrown right off. It at least makes for a good test car.

I've found that the high wall track gives me trouble when mixed with the low wall. I have about 16 feet of 24' track on each lane and about 8 feet of 12' track in each lane. I'm in the process of tracking down more or the 24' track. That should at least give me less seams to worry about.

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Rebekka 6/17/13


I also used a tripower new in mu chevelle. But it was liked you, never work right from light to light

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model40fan 6/17/13

maybe slide that tri power onto a 312cid. Y block !

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