Have fun exploring the Redline Derby archives

After more than 10 years, we have a lot content here on the Redline Derby web site and since we have a message board type format going on, it can soemtimes be difficult to get to some of those great, older discussions. And that's where The Archive comes in.
Visit the Redline Derby Racing archive
The Archive is where you can find all the categories and collections of articles and topics. It's where everything ends up. There are you big bucket categories, like Cars and Tracks, but then we also do our best to tag posts for more specific topic categories, like Wheels & Axles or Finish Lines.
If you're looking for articles on painting your cars, there's a collection for that. Maybe you're looking for tips on how to make replacement axles? There's a whole collection dedicated to just How-To guides. There's a lot in there.
As members write articles and post topics, the Redline Derby staff does their best to make sure it gets categorized properly and tagged into collections.
Jump down the rabbit hole
There's a lot topics flying around here on any given day and we know it's not always easy to find exactly what you're after. Searching can be your friend but sometimes it's easier to just browse through The Archive...because you might find something wonderful you didn't expect.
You can find The Archive link at the bottom of every page in the site footer, as well as a link for site search.
To think, the races weren't even on video when I started...a picture of the bracket was posted to show who progressed. Traction Event and, I think, McJiggles, we're the early guys to video the races and post them.
Not long after I got my first 'smart' phone, I started to video the races as well. Hard to believe, with 3D's youtube channel at almost 100K subscriptions!
- Ah the glory days when you didn't need video...racing was so much easier, but so less entertaining. Looking back I'm surprised RLD got the interest it did since it was just "here's who won" and photo. — redlinederby
- I was one of the first to do videos back in the day. My video quality has not improved much! Still hope to change that... — WorpeX
I spent some time going through a few days ago looking at all the mail-in events from 2011-2013! Chevelle Cup, Gasser Wars, Middleweight Series, Cops N Robbers, Dueling Deleveries, NASCAR Challenege, etc. So many good memories from back then!
I was perusing the Archive and came across 3DB's plans for his early track with dimensions for each part. Gave me a better idea of how to build a track in the space I have available to me. I found other gems as well. A great resource!
I love meandering through the archives...it gives you a nice scope on just how far the sport of Diecast Racing has come in 10yrs....every member of RLD should take a stroll into the vault.