As a new guy to this whole thing your video was very helpful and thanks for hosting races. I'm building a couple of drag cars.
- That's great! I am looking forward to seeing you racing in the weeks and months to come! — ElevationDiecastRac1ng
Great info on packing and sending cars. As a new racer it was very helpful. Thanx
I posted this on the video, but I'll repost it here.
Couple more hot tips for y'all about packing cars and race slips:
-More than a few times, I have used Tic Tac containers to pack my cars in. Pack them wheel to wheel with a peanut in between, snap the top closed, and you're ready to ship. Very secure and makes sure that the cars arrive in one piece and in good condition.
-Packing slip: Since you're printing out the packing slip anyway, go ahead and save it to your computer and modify it so that your name, address, email, race team and driver name are already filled out, then save THAT copy. Then, every time you want to print out a new race slip, all that information is already there - all you need to fill in is the car and the dollar amount.
Now that's information worthy of some Kung Pow Chicken, David! Well spoken, there, and hearing this nitty gritty perspective from a host and racer--very valuable!