How is YouTube Shorts working for you?
I was hanging out with friends this past weekend and one of them asked if I'm still racing Hot Wheels. I told them I still had the site but really scaled back on the racing on my home track. When asked why, I explained how much I do not enjoy the video/production side of what the hobby seemingly requires...I didn't like "the journey" and the destination didn't pay big enough rewards to justify the time otherwise.
But then my friend was like, "dude, just put up a TikTok for 30 seconds, that's all you need." And that got me thinking. Now, I don't have TikTok or even pay attention to it but when I talked to my kid about it, she mentioned YouTube Shorts and how that's almost all she watches now. So that got me thinking...
If the expectation of people watching is that videos will be super short and bare minimum type of production, then maybe that's what I need to explore...? I think that type of process will fit into the time I have available and maybe not be such a downer to deal with when doing races.
I did some looking around and have found that lots of you are using YT Shorts for races and car shows and the how is it working for you?
I'm more interested in the "using it" side of things rather than whether or not you're getting views and subscribers...but hearing some stories about whether or not you're getting returns is certainly worth it. It seems like the Shorts format fits my need to minimize production overhead while still serving the need to show that racing happened and the results reported are legit.
My main issue with it is the aspect ratio. You can't get more than one car in frame at a time unless it is really close action. I have done a few for some specific things but it hasn't been a focus for now.
I know there's a couple fo tracks doing TikTok and doing well from what I understand but I don't know if that is translating into revenue or just feel good factor.
YT have just monetised shorts for creators, so I may look into it a bit more this year, especially with the new track, as it can reach a different audience.
From a desktop consumer perspective, I've yet to see any benefit to any 'short' content (be that the YT or TT or whatever).
If I'm sitting down to watch something, I don't have the incination to flick from video to video every 30-60 seconds. I get that folks with short attention spans and/or brief access via mobile devices might find it more useful than a long-form presentation though.
Certainly in terms of 'advertising' upcoming events it could be useful. If a creator has filmed something in advance and is editing the footage, they could show off a few highlights (or teases) before the main event goes live..?
- I agree, If I am gonna watch something I want more than a minute or two, unless its a teaser, like chaos and ep posted — dr_dodge
- Fair and a good call. I agree with you but fact is more than 80% of people rolling through here are on their phone which had me thinking if Shorts is a calculated risk. — redlinederby
- Advertising and teasers would be a decent idea. People gotta know where to go to watch the main events. As for watching the event itself, I do that on my desktop for a big-screen experience in stereo. — SpyDude
I'm learning the you-tube shorts method; its fairly simple. I have yet to chop or edit anything other than add some music or text. No action shots. But maybe in the future. As far as monetized or exposure or anything; thats a hard pass from me. Then it becomes less "fun" and more about "work".
WeRaceDiecast has been killing it with shorts. Check it out.
Shorts monitize differently than the longer videos. I don't know the specifics.
- That's good lookin' stuff! Anything I do won't look half that nice but proof that format can show the action pretty well. — redlinederby
- Cheers for the insight! — CutRock_R_Marc_D
- As an old school fan of WRD, the shift to shorts or short videos in the same aspect ratio, was jarring. Also-also so sad to learn Clutch Mountain is getting scrapped. Tons of good memories long ago — Chris_Hood
I posted some YouTube Shorts to share ideas on how my TrackJack can be used with Hot Wheels. I don't have any success stories to share yet about YouTube. It's difficult to predict what will catch attention — you have to do a lot of experiments (which takes a lot of work).
Here are my shorts —
shorts are fine for quick videos or to generate interest in your page... quick and easy.
F'D Racing
RLD, what conclusion have you come to? I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts almost a year since you put this up.
- I haven't used them, so would also like to hear how this is working — dr_dodge
- Ahh! Didn't know this was a resurrected thread. We're. . .we're cool with thread necromancy in these parts, right? — Chris_Hood
- Chris_Hood, too funny! — Midwest_Diecast_Raceway
- You are right onto it Chris ! Cheers — CutRock_R_Marc_D
I'm getting pretty good views on a few of my races,and then some it's not so good. I'm about to start 3 lane straight line race tournaments so see how that goes.
Drag racing is like two seconds long at max? You could fit a whole tournament in there after editing.