How to report results for your races

redlinederby Saturday, 9/7/2019
Site manager

If you used RLD to get sign-ups for your race...

1. Hit the Your Events link from your account menu and find the race you're reporting. 

2. Click the Race Results button on the post itself and enter in the winners.

If you didn't use RLD for sign-ups...

1. Click the New topic link in the menu at the top of the page and then click the yellow button.

Why report race results?

Reporting the results of your race is great for everyone. It keeps people interested in your races and events, plus it gives racers a history of their finishes, which is cool to see and look back on. Events that include reported results also get ranked and promoted a little higher within the web site.

Finding racers

You can report 1st thru 5th place for a race. You don't have to provide all five, but you are encouraged to report the Top 3 if you can.

If you start typing in a racer name and that person is already a member of Redline Derby, you should choose their name from the list. Wins are tracked and accumulated over time for members only.

However, if you have a racer that is not already an RLD member, you may type in their name and it will be saved. (This does NOT create an account for them).

You may also paste in a YouTube video link for highlights and/or provide some commentary. All information you provide will be displayed on a special Race Review front page for the topic. This gives visitors a quick recap of the race, and then they may continue on to the normal thread as usual.

You are encouraged to provide some sort of race recap, even if it's just the top finishers. The more you can share, the better people will be able to understand what happened in your race.

You can add results to your race thread at anytime, so if you had a race that ended recently, you can go back and add results for the Race Review page. Give it a try!

See an example of a race with results filled in

What happens when you report results

When you submit results for a race, any RLD member will have those stats appear on their profile page and in other locations on the web site.

Quick race results

If you have results for a completed race that wasn't previously posted to the calendar, you can use the quick race result reporting form.


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redlinederby 7/12/20
Site manager

Submitting results for a series

If your event is made up of more than one race/stage/track, aka a series, then you first need to decide if you want to report results for each stage or just for the event as a whole.

If you just want to report the final results of the whole series, then just follow the instructions above and you're done. You don't need to do anything differently.

If you do want to report results for each stage of a series, then you should create a new event topic for EACH STAGE. You would then use the instructions above to report results for each stage on their respectice topic post. 

Lets say you're managing a series that has 3 stages on 3 different tracks. You would need to create 4 separate topics. One topic for the entire series (the parent), and then one new topic for each of the 3 stages (the children). A great example of all this would be the RLD Nationals. See how that host created topics for the event and each stage, along with results.

The steps for reporting results for any event/race/stage is always the same...just follow the instructions above.

I how do I  report two different classes. The stock class and mod class

  • The assumption would be there’s a race for each class, you wouldn’t commonly mix the two anyway. So you’d create one event for each class and report results that way. — redlinederby

Would be nice if the website kept record of everyone's finish and not just the top 5. Would give more meaning to each user's profile being able to see every race they have done and not just their best results. Also gives racers who didn't place top 5 a personal record instead of there not being any evidence they've ever done a race

  • Agreed. There's a new race management system coming this year that will account for reporting as many finish positions as the host wants. Ultimately it will be up to how much the race host wants to report full field results. — redlinederby
  • Awesome!!! Looking forward to it — ConMan_Customs

Hi all! I've just edited the race results as I just got the winner HarryHubcap to sign up but his results have not shown up on his page.

Also, I spelt a name wrong...I put in Filipiak Performance Diecast instead of the correct name which was FPD_Racing.

Can someone help?

Cheers, Lee BDR

  • I don't have any advice, but thanks for trying to get the correct username for everyone! It's not too big a deal, but it's one of those little things... — ManiacMotorsports
  • Hopefully Redline himself will be able to square it away for you. Stats are important achievement marks for us racers. — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
  • I Boobooed it and spelled name wrong, The only way I know is to post a second race results with the correction Only. — Bent_Rod_Racing

Thanks all for your responses. 

I am just waiting to hear back from the host.

Gota give credit where credit is due.

Maybe a spot on the entry form to show the participants exact name for race results would be handy? Just an idea.

  • Yep. Some are easy, but some are just random — ManiacMotorsports
  • It definitely needs a space for for exact Redline names. Good call, sir. I'm sure when the forms were designed it wasn't much of an issue. — LobotomyScam
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redlinederby 1/22/25
Site manager

How to reporting results for different classes

If you're racing multiple classes and you want to track the winners of each, you will need to make an event post for each class. And then report results accordingly using the instructions above.

Or think about it this way...however many winners you're going to have, that's at least how many posts you need to make.

For example, lets say your event is called the "Super Duper Drag Race" and you're going to race a modified class and a stock class. I would recommend that you create 3 separate posts: a hub post and 2 event posts.

The hub post is about the overall race, title it "Super Duper Drag Race". This is where you do your usual stuff about the theme, rules, sign-up, and general Q&A. It should have links out to each event post and to any other posts you make related to the event. This should act as the one-stop-shop for people when they're looking for info about the race.

Then you make 2 event posts, one for each class you're racing, so one called "Super Duper Drag Race - Modified" and the other post called "Super Duper Drag Race - Stock". These are where you'll post the results once the racing is done (see how-to above). Each event post can only have one set of results.

A real-world example of all this is the RLD Pro-Am from 2021 that I put together. You'll see the hub post where all the event details are made, and then there are links to all the related races and classes, each with their own results. Following this type of model will help make it easier for everyone to get their stats reported for each race.

Yes, it's a lot of separate posts and it's kinda tedious up-front when you're creating the posts, but once the races are done and results are in, it's very easy to find the individual race and submit results. Everyone gets their stats!

Not every race will need this type of's just an example, so take the idea and adjust it to communicate as you need. It's very basic but that also gives you the power to do with it as you see fit.

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