My 3d Print Building Project

I started my hotwheels track project and plan to create around 20 buildings for 3D printing, with the possibility of having interiors or just images representing their interiors. I'll start with a convenience store and gradually expand from there.
Very nice! And Uncle_Tony.....WELCOME TO REDLINEDERBY!
That looks pretty good. I also like the idea of interiors.
You could make "interior/exterior modules" and add to the bldgs over time
Looks Good, Keep us posted
Nice design there Uncle Tony. Love to see what comes next. Are you going to post them somewhere to be printed? Like on Thingiverse? I'd love to print some and put up around the track.
That looks cool
Guys thanks a loto for all comments, I'm feeling more than welcome! I got here through 3dnotmaker's videos and fell in love (I'm even building my own track). I'm attaching an image of the store interior; some details are still missing, like ceiling lights, air conditioners, and shelves. I've already added some refrigerators (they are standalone, and you can print them however you like) and the checkout counter. I'm also working on floor designs and posters to put on the walls. Anyway, little by little, it's coming to life. My next building will definitely be a garage!
Very nice!
Night exercise (WIP) - The model car is only for reference
Friends, the garage is finished, and I'm sharing some images for you to send your feedback. My idea now is to print the garage itself and the accessories to make customization easier. Taking advantage of this, I’d like to ask you where I can find images of floor patterns, walls, etc. I’ll finish the convenience store later today.
Customization sample
Interior sample
Optional Acessories for other customizations
Acessories included
ceiling lights
Convenience Store Finished
- those look great — dr_dodge
- Fantastic! — Dutch_Clutch_Racing
- yur killing it brother! — Stoopid_Fish_Racing
Looks good!