My new finish line and catch box.

Just got this worked out this afternoon.
Finally found a finish gate from a V-drop great!
Also built a little catch box for my races, been using a towel across the track!
The gate and track are velcro'd (is that a word?) to the wood so the box and gate are separate.
The only think I don't like about the gate is the label is on the other side!
I'm going to make an Austin Diecast Drags sign to go on this side.
Time to race!
The orange track behind is just velcro'd down to the wood, as is the finish gate. Works pretty well so far and I've run a lot of cars through. No modifications to the finish gate, I am thinking about trimming the sides down though. And I love my finish gate, works really well. I'm so tempted to take it apart to see the internals but I don't want to risk not getting it back together! The gate and box are on one piece of wood to allow for any expansion of the long track due to sun or heat.
I like the catch box, thats awesome. Ill have to work something up like that, my pillow at the end is doing the job, but cars slide under it and it could be messing up the axels. and the pillow i have in the basement has string fringe on the end and sometimes the wheels get stuck in it and i have to unwind it without bending the axels.
I've changed up the padding. The bubble wrap failed quickly.
I've since cut up a large sponge that is 1-1/2" thick to fit in the end and put a divider between the two lanes.
Works great now and no damage to the cars at all.
That's very cool. Where can one find a finish gate like that? I've looked at my local box stores and can't find any playsets with the finish gate. I've given up on the BluTrack because of the finish gate problem and have started buying the 5ft packs of orange track but I can't find a finish gate.
I looked for a long time for this. It is the same finish line Brian uses for the Fantasy racing.
It is from the 2 lane V-drop playset from a few years ago.
I ended up finding a used one on craigslist, it works nicely.
I've seen them pop up on ebay every once in awhile.
Good Luck!
Is the orange track connected to the finishline on the way out, or is just close enough to it that it still works? Did you mod that finishline at all?