RBR Open Track Project

RustBeltRacing Friday, 3/13/2020

I've been wanting to build an open downhill track so I've been testing different materials. I think I found it almost by mistake. I was cleaning the basement and found an old folding vinyl closet door. I saw a track. I cut off a couple slats and mounted them to a styrofoam ramp I've been messing around with. Man this stuff is fast. I'm gonna continue with seaming it together and adding some sides and a starting gate but I think I found my new track material!


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Rusty 3/14/20

Great idea!!!

Now that's cool. Gona have some turns?

  • Once I figure out how to seam this stuff. It’s really flexible and I have like 30 feet! — RustBeltRacing
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redlinederby 3/14/20
Site manager

Very cool. Always good to see alternate track materials...not everything has to be orange! I like ths styrofoam too, gonna use it as a diorama backdrop? Already looks like cityscape. Great idea.

  • I’m hoping to do something cool with it. So far my plan is 2 side by side tracks. This one in front and my taller orange track behind and above it. I think the styrofoam will be a snow capped mountain range. — RustBeltRacing
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