Redline Derby 10th Anniversary Rip-N-Roll
How many cars have made it to you so far?
I had a completely selfish thought for this race and interested to know thoughts on it.
I'm all too familiar with the time investment racing can have. Sure, the races take a few seconds but everything before & after can take hours. So I had the idea of doing a Progressive Bracket to help save me time and hopefully help me get things produced quicker.
Progressive Bracket just means that the first round of racing is done as cars arrive. So I have 4 cars right now...I'll pair them up and race them, video and post the results...few races out of the way. Then when I have 2 more cars in-house, I'll race those and so on. When the official race deadline gets here, Round 2 will start. Any odd cars that arrive and don't get paired, get a bye as they would anyway.
Like I said, this is for completely selfish reasons as I have a hunch this process will make it easier for me to the racing videos. There will still be a lot of videos to do from Round 2 on, but at least the first round can be little video bits.
Thoughts? Feelings? Am I missing something?
- Reckon that could work. Personally I would sooner watch several short videos over the course of a few days than one long video that I will end up watching in parts anyway. — TuxMcBea
- All good brother. — Your_Nightmare
- I did something similar to this with the Mustangs earlier. I raced and did the videos well in advance of posting. So, one idea would be to do the race and videos now for what you have but save it for later. It'll break up the time investment a lot. I'm totally fine with you releasing them now too though. — WorpeX
My car is in the mail! Gotta say, i'm pretty excited to see how it runs. I've only seen this model race once before and it was during the Redline National League, one of my mail-in tournaments a long long time ago. It was on JDC442's team and boy was it FAST... not the fastest in the tournament mind you, but certainly the fastest thing I could easily buy on Amazon! I won't reveal what i've sent, but I will link a video and feel free to make some guesses from that...
Haha...RLD loves to race...hates to edit video
There’s a package heading your way from North Texas.
I will be dropping one to you by the end of the week.
More entries have arrived Go Time pulling up in a classic F40 while Worpex rolls in with a proven FTE. They'll be getting paired and raced soon. Video from first 2 races will be going up soon.
Make your picks! Who will win this bout? The Gold Medal of Speed, or the FTE?
- Don't think I ever noticed that "supplies are limited" was on the FTE card. Funny. — redlinederby
- The Ferrari F40 will destroy that FTE — 41-14
- F-40 will have the FTE in the rear view mirror — Your_Nightmare
- That Speed Bump’s one of my fastest cars - I fancy the chances of a potential upset here.... — RobertBcfc
- Oh man, a gold medal F40? this will be a tough race!! — WorpeX
- Have faith in The Bump!! I’ve got 2 F40s (though not the Gold Medal Speed one) and a fast Testarossa that it regularly beats down my track. My drop isn’t as elevated as that one, but, it is a strong runner on the downhill section. Big match feel to this one, really looking forward to it! — RobertBcfc
Here we go! First couple races for Round 1. I'll be shooting and posting as cars come in to race and get unpacked. Round 2 races will start after 9/14 along with the full bracket.
- Great first races! The Funny Car looks rapid on the flat! When the brackets are posted, are you ok to post the model of the cars? (Aka I want one of those Funny Cars for myself! ????) — RobertBcfc
- Yes, the bracket will have info. I can post a full roster too once they all get here. The orange funny is a Firebird Funnycar — redlinederby
- Thanks - I thought it was but couldn’t be sure. I have the 2001 Fossil Fuel range version but not that one. Heading off to EBay as we speak.... — RobertBcfc
- Certain regions have models that are faster than in other regions. I can't find a fast Hershey's Funny Car to save my life, where in other regions & in Canada they are quick as hell. The car I entered is always fast in our region. My current fastest in that model is ranked 6th in my top tier. That second race against the Carbonator made my jaw drop! That was insane and I was fortunate. I'm sure there are others that will take a strong shot at it. — Your_Nightmare
- I applaud you for your choice of music RLD! Keep it coming!! — Your_Nightmare
- That second race looked like a false start to me. The carbonator got a huge jump off the starting gate. Didn't matter, the funny is just too fast! — WorpeX
- Thanks @ Your Nightmare - managed to pick one up from EBay from the US yesterday - arrives late next week. Got an FTE Hammerhead, the reputedly fast Matchbox Snow Plough, and the 2019 Countach police car on order too - think they’re all in for a drumming by the Funny Car!!! ???? — RobertBcfc
- Good morning Robert, it's a rip and race with only 1 car entry per person. Send in what you think will be the fastest and take a shot at winning your Round 1 race. The brackets may not have our cars paired until a later round. Best of luck brother! — Your_Nightmare
Did someone mention upset? I guess it depends who you ask...
More great racing out of Round 1 as our Rip N Roll continues. Go Time brought a challenge with his Ferrari F40 to face Worpex's Speed Bump FTE. Great racing here, folks.
And get your cars shipped soon if they're not out yet. Only a couple weeks left before the deadline.
- The Bump moves on!! Looks like real deal to beat an F40. — Your_Nightmare
- Great races! So close, really could have gone either way. My Hammerhead FTE and Matchbox Snow Groomer both showed up yesterday - neither got close to The Bump! It will take some beating - would be great to see it line up against the Firebird Funny Car - might end up as the final.... — RobertBcfc
- Ahhhh!!! The F40 is out in the 1st round! Congrats to Worpex and good luck to everyone the rest of the way. Great racing and video! — Go_Time
- Wow! What a race. I thought the F40 would get me on the second pass but the bump just narrowly edged it out. — WorpeX
Mine will ship early this week
A full on metal Mig Rig just arrived from Texas...Sinister Grackle in the house. He awaits his challenger. Whoever arrives next will do battle.
Sent via USPS Priority Mail. It states it will arrive on Monday.
I used the small box, so with the car I send there was a crunch/crackle sound trying to close A few strips of duct tape and it was good to go. : )
Thanks Brian!!