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Lunch today...Walmart redline series cars and some Astro Funks for customizing...
So stange that one Walmart has the must up to date cars with some 2012 cars already, and this one which is much nicer is putting out stock from several months ago, I has missed the White Astro Funks when they were released.
Love the white w/ redline wheel cars
I've yet to see any Redline cars. They're so cool too.
I need to get back out and shop, apparently! I love that little Astro Funk car and I'll be damned if I don't find myself an A-Team van. I just have some many cars in backlog for the league that I've purchased on top of donations and there's more on the way!! It's a lot to manage and organize.
liked the pix of astro funk...had not seen one...[ exept bryan's race car, i thought he built it from fangula] ...ordered a couple... see if i can make one go... ED ROTH LIVES....
That's funny. Dennis Roth is a friend of mine and he was with me when I first found the Astro Funk. I passed it along to him and then didn't find another one for a month, lol. He's a big fan of the car too!
Are the redline versions exclusive to Walmart?
These are my hauls from a recent roadtrip (excluding FTE's, they are on the FTE thread). There were a few more but they were uncarded and raced or tested in Austin last Monday.
i see a nomad and a '41 willys [ no wing ] in your stash... i can e-mail you rough plans to mount the willys on the nomad base... run a key chain ring trough the rear window of the spare no-mad body , or cut the roof off...
[pre- monkey mobile ]...
Nice find on the Camaro black with flames Street Freaks. I've been looking every now and then, but they are always way too expensive. I saw one go on The Toy Peddler for a few bucks a while back, so mad I missed it.
Group shot of the cars i've picked up over the last 3 or 4 weeks! I'm very happy with a few of these and quite surprised by some others! The top prospects in this list are the Way 2 Fast, Cadillac V16, Ferrari F40, Fire Eater, Super Comp Dragster (Great car btw, this is my second one and both are very speedy!), Italia, and of course, the Turbolence.
Also, I love the paint scheme on this Italia! I couldn't resist picking it up because of it, although I also love the one on the Dodge Concept Car, F40 and Firebird too. haha.
A few of these cars I only ended up getting cause they were in the Redline Derby (Like the Rennen Rig, which is pretty crappy on my track... although slightly better then the NSX). I was pleasantly surprised that Yur So Fast actually lived up to its namesake and wasn't half bad on my track at all! This Nova I picked up also seems to be a pretty accurate representation of the Redline car... its fast enough to win races, but slow enough to never really win any tournaments! haha
So anyway, that's my quick rundown! Most of you have already seen my video and watched the Sweet 16 and Lakester race, so not much to say on them!
Nice score, Jason. I have one of those red `40 Ford Coupe FEs ready to ship out to Brian for a future fantasy league.