Starting Gate

I am starting to build a track setup. I have been collecting various components. I am looking for a Hot Wheels Crossover Pak and a starting gate. I see some 3D printed one. I am looking to do a 2 lane 4 car setup, manually operated, for now. Can anyone stear (no pun intended) me in the right direction?
- This is one I built using a piece of plexiglass attached to a piano hinge with 3/4 inch pine as the frame. Cost effective and easy to build if you’re in a pinch until you get one with the drop pins. — 41-14
- Used a small sanding drum with a dremel to make the notches to fit over the sides of the track to get it lower to track surface to accommodate lower cars — 41-14
- nice! — Stoopid_Fish_Racing
- Very nice! — Zamak_Speed_Shop
Mine is a simple Drop gate with a hinge and a couple of nails for the pegs. I have added a latch (not in this picture) that holds it and then pull the string to release it.
Check out the Starting gates collection in the Forum's got some good threads that might spark an idea or get you a buy. Check out the Finish lines section too because the start/finish can often go hand-in-hand when building and buying.
If you search Mike Freda DIY hot wheels start gate on you tube he has free plans for a really cool drop pin starting gate.
simple lift up for now on the Jamestown bypass
aluminum angle
some scrounge brackets, angle is adjustable
it's all raised in a pair of 2x6 chunks now
I wish I could find the video, but someone actually used the linkage from a blower assembly to open the start gate on a Hot Wheels track. It was epic. I'm still looking for it.
We've hand made all our start gates. The original one was a simple drop gate, where the pins are attached to a block and you pull the holder out and the block swings away and the pins drop below the track. Used that for about 6 months before switching it to the same thing but servo controlled. Now we use the same setup as Gravity Throttle racing, where there is a cam that pulls the pins straight down. The benefit of this is you only have a small hole in front of the cars, you don't need a slot, and there is nothing for the cars to drive over like the ones where the gate folds down in front of the cars.