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Stock gassers winner takes all

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Fat_Dad 12/7/23

In, if room. 

I'm in

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E67DRT 12/7/23

I would like to enter 2 cars for the gasser race please 

Dad and Isaiah are in for 2

Can I get in

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Crazy_Canuck 12/9/23

I might try to see what I can come up with...

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Kingshark 12/15/23

Sign me up

Count me in for at least 1. 

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RayRaySugar 12/22/23

I'll give this a run.

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RC_Attucks 12/29/23

What exactly does, "retail axles and wheels only" mean?

I'd like to try a build, and give it a go. Don't want to brake any rules my first time out.

Thank you

Can i get in?

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Pandaman08 1/2/24

I would like to send a car or 2 if there is room.

Also can I repaint my car without taking it apart or dose it have to have the original paint job?

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