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dr_dodge 2/8/24

mock up
close, but not

Ask for a Rule definition:

war wagons need at least 4, 5 axles?

but the more is better...???


Could I join 

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MWAI_Racing 2/9/24


MWAI Racing would like to enter. 1 

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Pandaman08 2/10/24

I think I can get a car built in time for this race if you still have a spot open

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Papa_Divosi 2/12/24

Divosi Familia would like a shot.

I printed a few items for my entry today. My printer does not necessarliy like these small bits but did ok on them. I am not sure how to reinforce the crash plow. Or even if it needs it... I guess if it takes crash damage, it will look better? Who knows? But a couple more guns for the rear facing mount are forth coming for this six wheel beastie...

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Dretty 2/13/24

Locked and loaded! Ready to collect more skulls! Lol

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Foursix 2/13/24


Boog is ready to get rolling again

Foursix Diecast Racing 

  • Will a sprinter van with a turret fit through the gate? — Foursix
  • Nevermind stock weight is already over max haha! — Foursix
  • Let’s go! — Crazy_Canuck
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Menoth22 2/14/24

*I'm in

Is it too late to enter this, and if it's not, am I good to donate some failed builds with my official entry to be used as "Target Practice" ?

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GBURacing 2/20/24

Any spots left open and is this beast acceptable when modified into a war rig? If the answer is "yes" to both, then count me in please.

  • Yes and yes…soooooo…I guess that’s a yes — Crazy_Canuck
  • absolutely, looking forward to this project — GBURacing
  • I can't wait to see this!!! — Foursix
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StarCorps 2/20/24

Awww man, I had the perfect ride I was gonna send you, and I sat down today to mod it some. It has the right tires you require, which is rare in the trucks. 

Sadly, even before modification this truck is too heavy. 

So I pulled out my second choice. 

Heavier still. 

And then my third choice... 

Still too heavy. 

I may not be able the send a war rig, given the construction rules, but I will send a  vehicle all the same. 

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