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The Mountain of Doom Raceway Championship Tournament (ENDED 2023))

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GoldenOwl 5/13/22

I'm in for 2!

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Clutch 5/14/22

Big Bomb Racing is in with 2!

We are definitely in :)

cheers mate,Macey

Drumian & Guingoyo will be there

Count me in, please!  I've messaged you to request the address. Thanks!

still room for this?

I'm in for two if there's room

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WallyChamp73 5/19/22

Is ther room for 2 from N.J Drive Racing Team?

I have already received three cars for the tourny and I will be taking pictures of the cars at the track, in the next cpouple of days and posting them on here.

So Far, welcome to:

Skank from Rusty Rods Racing (one entry)

Papa Pugsley from Man Child Motorsports (two entries)

First arrival:

Skank driving for: RUSTY ROD'S RACING

Second arrivals


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Flip81 5/26/22

Flip's racing will send you 2.

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